2 more Struts sites to add to the list

https://caixadirecta.cgd.pt/ (bank)

Of course I cannot be sure but it sure seems like it :)


On 03/07/2005 09:44, "Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21)"

> -----Original Message-----
> . . .
> What makes you think http://wiki.apache.org/struts/PoweredBy is a struts
> site? Don't give wrong information.
> . . .
> Technology columnist and editor
> -----/Original Message -----
> No wonder I have such a low consideration for technology columns and their
> writers...
> He just passed you a link where you can look up a lot of links to sites
> using struts. That's quite a bit more intelligent than copying all the
> information already stored in a publicily available place.
> Sort of: like .net vs Struts:
> Struts invites you not to copy, but rather use the indirection
> .Net invites you to copy
> Alexander
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