Paul Benedict wrote:
+1 with Frank and Craig. Unless you need to have your viewpoint
continuously heard in public, some of the latter postings can be
shared privately. Most of it was good, and I think it generated much good; thanks for sharing.

Well, my problem on this right now is that I just don't have closure.

I asked the basic question of why Struts development stagnated and people who really should have by now really grappled with this question and considered it, simply disengaged, and some even started with the insults and such.

I don't really like putting you on the spot, Paul (with other people, I don't mind so much but you seem like a basically okay guy) but I'm just going to ask you the same question I asked a whole bunch of other people and never got any answer from.

What, in your opinion, are the reasons that Struts development stagnated?

I know I'm being a hard-nosed SOB but I also know that the question is well-formulated, valid, and broadly on-topic for a Struts list.

I'm sure you have an opinion on this subject, Paul. If you won't share your views, I'd be curious as to why. You see, I'm developing the impression that the above question is basically taboo somehow.

Once you pose this question, people just start coming out of the woodwork screaming at you to shut up and stuff. So, at this point, I pretty much have developed a morbid fascination and am inclined to simply ask the question to everybody and see how they react. :-) So now I am asking you... :-)

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

--- "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Craig McClanahan wrote:

No matter where the conversation developed, it has gone in directions that
are off topic on this list.  Please feel free to continue the conversation,
but do it somewhere else.

(About to break my own "I'm done posting in this thread" rule)...

Even I, as someone who was knee-deep in this thread for a while, agree with Craig. The problem is it was a discussion for a while, but has become people just talking over one another now.

I'm all for people expressing their viewpoints, no matter how unpopular, but at some point it becomes obvious that no one is listening to one another, and then it's an exercise in futility.

No one can stop anyone else from posting, not without locking someone out from the list anyway, which I hope never happens to anyone, but at some point everyone has to come to the realization that the conversation has past the point of being useful in any real way. If no one's opinion was changed 30 posts ago, chances are it's not going to happen now.

Besides, if the points being raised are valid at all, this thread won't be the last of its kind... Someone will at some point start another and it'll all come out again, so why not hold back some of the talking points for next time? ;)



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