On 3/27/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Goodin wrote:
> > I'd also like to point out that you failed miserably. Larry is a
> > good friend of mine and he would have no problem debating with you.
> You may actually believe this, but probably nobody else here does.

Hahaha, thanks again Jon. I FEEL the love. :-D

> > Heck, he doesn't even live in Tampa. Feel free to continue guessing.
> >
> > On a related note... Don't take this too serious. This is rather
> > harmless humor. Laugh at yourself a little and enjoy the fun. I'm sure
> > no harm was intended.
> Well, there is the minor detail that the spoof really wasn't very funny.
> Did you think it was funny?

I thought the signature was HILARIOUS! C'mon - "Master of Freemarker
and soon to be Ruler of FreeMarkeropia." <-- that is good stuff!

> Jonathan Revusky
> --
> lead developer, FreeMarker project, http://freemarker.org/

Larry Meadors
Some dude working at home in his sweat pants

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