If you're not going to use the built-in AJAX support in S2, you may also want to have a look at AjaxParts Taglib (APT):


... which is a component of Java Web Parts (JWP):


The JWP example app demonstrates APT pretty thoroughly.

I know some folks use APT with S1 and like it, and it should work just as well with S2 (assuming you're using JSPs I suppose). I could see making this an S2 plug-in if there was some interest in that, I've had that thought before.


Haroon Rafique wrote:
On Yesterday at 11:25pm, VR=>Van Riper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

VR> [..snip..]
VR> VR> The best workaround that I have found is to "Just Say NO" to the built VR> in support for Dojo and instead to use Prototype judiciously. All my VR> ajax logic is done that way. I don't use the builtin ajax support in VR> s2 at all. This has worked well for the level of ajax support I need VR> in my own webapp development these days. YMMV. VR> VR> -Van VR> VR>
I'll say amen to that and second the advice.

I don't use the builtin s2 ajax support either. Instead, I use prototype for Ajax requests and use dexagogo/prototype for client-side validation.

Haroon Rafique

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
and "JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects"
 (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
Java Web Parts - http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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