Great, that exactly right.  Then we can just add a target in the make
file for debian (i.e. make debian) and that would allow a package
maintainer to build a new one with each release.  Now if we could get
the others, rpm, etc in there we could start getting the library out on
repos for the various OS's.  One thought that I had was that we may want
to nest the scripts etc under a directory like ./packages or something
so that we can also nest files for RPMs etc in there, so we have
something like:


Great Work. 

If you could create a Jira issue and attach your work with instruction
on usage etc, that would be great.  I can apply them once we've had a
chance to review them.

I'm not real familiar with Debian packaging, I was wondering how
scalable the scripts are?  Meaning how much work is it to change them to
add new files, dependencies etc?  The one issue I see is that we don't
have anyone running a Debian distro who would be able to test this with
each new release.


On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 13:15 +0000, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> >> Would you like to have the Debian packaging files in the SVN?
> > I wouldn't expect packages to be in SVN.  What I would think is the
> > right thing to do is to create scripts or augment the current build
> > scripts to add a build target for creating the packages.  Otherwise it
> > doesn't really solve the problem as we wouldn't have packages when we
> > release the next version.
> I wasn't refering to the whole packages - just the packaging files -
> various configuration files that tell the packaging system how to build
> the package.
> Normally, this means adding a `debian' directory with some files in it.
> Here is an example of what might be added:
> ./debian
> ./debian/changelog
> ./debian/compat
> ./debian/control
> ./debian/copyright
> ./debian/docs
> ./debian/pkgname.README.Debian
> ./debian/pkgname.install
> ./debian/pkgname.links
> ./debian/patches
> ./debian/patches/series
> ./debian/patches/12345.patch
> ./debian/rules

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