Sounds great! 

> Great, that exactly right.  Then we can just add a target in 
> the make file for debian (i.e. make debian) and that would 
> allow a package maintainer to build a new one with each 
> release.  Now if we could get the others, rpm, etc in there 
> we could start getting the library out on repos for the 
> various OS's.  One thought that I had was that we may want to 
> nest the scripts etc under a directory like ./packages or 
> something so that we can also nest files for RPMs etc in 
> there, so we have something like:
> ./packages/debian
> ./packages/rpm
> etc. 

Agreed - seems like a good approach.  Perhaps we could look to other
projects such as APR that might already have support for the various
packaging types?  I'll poke around a bit today and see what I can find.

> Regards
> Tim.


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