On 05/12/2007, Marc Zampetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James,
> You are right about the HA comment I originally made. I was referring to
> fact that I'm not looking for persistent messages. But I am concerned about
> what happens when a broker fails and being able to recover from that
> quickly, even if that means losing messages.

Master/Slave is all about replicating messages to avoid message loss -
it comes at a heavy performance cost. If you can't afford that cost,
you don't need master/slave. i.e. the normal failover of the JMS
client will do fine.

> I understand the point about the need for more information. Here is what I
> say so far.
> There will be around 30 - 50 processes producing messages, each one
> producing the same type of messages. Think it of a farm of processes doing
> the same basic work, spread out to handle processing load, scalability,
> fault tolerance, etc. These processes know nothing about what happens to
> these messages once they send them.
> On the consuming side, there are multiple farms of processes, each farm
> doing a particular type of processing on some subset of the messages. There
> is nothing in the message, other than a unique id, that can be used to
> determine which messages should be sent to each farm. Each of these farms
> would have anywhere from 2 - 30 processes, depending upon the functionality
> and load requirements.

So we're talking queues right? And by the sounds of it you could
partition messages across multiple brokers for scalability. (Sounds
like a good use case for the JEDI transport that still needs
completing BTW to stripe message flows across different brokers to
avoid the downsides of the store and forward network of brokers).

> For the AMQ topologies, I was thinking of a Virtual Topic that all of the
> publishers send messages to, with queues behind that go to some sort of
> routing layer that in turns sends the message to the queue that the service
> the relevant consumer farm.

Yeah. I guess it depends on how complex the routing is. It might be
easier to just have an input queue, then some consumer process (which
could be hosted inside the broker if need be) to do the routing;
whether its Camel or some custom JMS code or whatever.


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