On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 18:39, Nacho Jimenez wrote:
> >Other than the CPA, we would show other options. For example, if a newbie
> >were reading up on JXTemplates, rather than saying that you can use Jexl or
> >JXPath, we would choose our CPA (for example, JXPath), but have a link to a
> >homologous page that explains the same things, but for Jexl. This would
> >reduce one more variable, and thus one more possible source of delay or
> >confusion to a newbie. So new users will be able to get up and running much
> >faster, and once they have more experience, will be able to go over the
> >alternative approaches.
> >  
> >
>     This is just an example of what I think we should avoid... The 
> average user does not give a shiling about JXTemplates, JXPath, JEXL or 
> whatever load of letters we decide to acronymize today.
>     The user wants to know how can he set up his ubercool website 
> accessing XML documents and SQL data with the mimimum of fuss, and 
> hence, the document he is looking for is a step by step guide to do that.
>     In one of those steps, he's shown how to get a needed parameter  
> from the context, using our recommended method (JXTemplateTransformer, 
> through a JXPath expression).

(unrelated to the main topic, but couldn't resist)

I wouldn't recommend to use the JXTemplateTransformer (unless you have
good reasons to), as it is a fake generator, which has the disadvantage
that templates can't be cached but need to be compiled on each use.

>  There, on a side note, you can have an 
> overview on what JXTemplateTranformer is, why is it our preferred method 
> to access the parameter he needs and wich alternatives he could use, and 
> pointers to the wikiPages of the related tecnologies for a deeper study 
> if he needs it.

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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