Nogmaals bedankt, Huib.
I built Cocoon 2.1.11 in ~/.m2/repository as you suggested, and checked that
my settings.xml points to this repo. Now i'm having (what must be total
noob) trouble getting Maven to find the Validation blocks in the local

I've tried dozens of variations of the following POM dependencies:


.. but still get a build fail:

Could not resolve dependencies for project com.mycompany:lsdb:jar:1.0.0:
Could not find artifact

The worst part is with your earlier help, it was working for a few days.
Then the builds started failing again. So if nothing in Maven central has
changed, that means my earlier attempts to install the Validation block
locally (in the Cocoon app, not in the Maven repo) worked.

Now i'm looking for a way to tell Maven to get the -impl block from:


.. I've tried a number of things but can't find the key. Any clues?

- Myles

> What I did was download the cocoon source code and use the script
> to install it into the local maven repo - "./ install" like it says
> in the README. It did take some tweaking to get that to successfully
> complete unfortunately, it didn't work "out-of-the-box" for me. But once
> that hurdle had been taken, the validation-impl jar could be found.
> Hartelijke groet,
> Huib.
> --
> Drs. Huib Verweij
> Senior software developer - The Language Archive
> Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
> P.O. Box 310
> 6500 AH Nijmegen
> The Netherlands
> t <%2B31-24-3521911> <%2B31-24-3521911> <%2B31-24-3521911><%2B31-24-3521911>
> +31-24-3521911
> e
> w

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