
Sure, have a look please at
org.apache.cxf.catalog.OASISCatalogManager, this is in the cxf-core module.

I see there it checks "OASISCatalogManager.catalog.debug.level" system property - which is set, if not null, on org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogManager, apparently CatalogManager can also check Catalog.properties file

Perhaps OASISCatalogManager can also be enhanced...

Re the episodes files - have a look at CustomizationParser in wadlto/jaxrs, I copied some code there from the wsdl processor, you can see jaxb bindings are modified with the target namespaces. Perhaps the similar approach can help with episodes ?

Cheers, Sergey

On 21/01/16 05:00, Vjacheslav V. Borisov wrote:
I am talking about my progress is slow :)
Where can I find xml catalog  resolution code in cxf wadl2java ? May be i
can patch it to enable debugging info

2016-01-20 18:24 GMT+04:00 Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com>:

Well, this is one of those issues which I can not prioritize upon - I've
never worked with episodes before, and given that workarounds exists it is
hard to prioritize on this arguably minor issue.

In many case we can temp stop working on our current commitments (which
all of us have) and react fast enough when the issues are easy to tackle or
when the issues are indeed critical or patches exist.

I'd like to encourage you to look at providing a patch whenever you feel
like the progress is slow, you obviously understand what is needed as far
as episodes are concerned, so how about looking at JAXRSContainerTest in
wadlto/jaxrs, look for the tests which end with "Binding" and see how CXF
manages the custom jaxb binding perhaps that can give you an idea how
episodes can also be handled nicely

Cheers, Sergey

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