On 02/10/2012 09:21 PM, James Knott wrote:
Andreas Säger wrote:
I thought I would try it for converting Libre User Guides to epub format for
the iPad.

Why not PDF? What is the advantage of epub?

On ebook readers, epub text flows as required with different font sizes. PDFs don't.

It seems that different e-readers prefer different text formats, like epub. They did this for "business i.e. money/profit" reasons. People had to buy their formatted documents. Now with the conversion packages, it is not an issue, as long as you have a conversion package.

I prefer PDF files for my documents, printer with CUPS-PDF or doPDF. That way I keep all my specialty fonts in the document instead of LO's tendency to replace them with its core font set.

Having external packages, instead of LO extensions do work better sometimes, but the developers of the extensions are doing their best to make their packages work as well as these external packages like "Calibre". I am told that the LO developers are working on the issues I have with specialty fonts and their PDF exporting option.

So, right now, do what works best. Create your documents in LO and then use whatever works to convert them into the format you need for the specific job. Most of us need to have .doc and .pdf file versions of our documents for our co-workers or our bosses. Making them work with a tablet/e-reader package is relatively new compared to what the developers have been working towards. Next big thing is write a version that will work on an Android tablet. Some people are talking about an iPad version as well.

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