On Sat, 2012-02-11 at 08:09 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
> On 02/11/2012 07:47 AM, James Knott wrote:
> > webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
> >> It seems that different e-readers prefer different text formats, like 
> >> epub.  They did this for "business i.e. money/profit" reasons.  
> >> People had to buy their formatted documents.
> >
> > Have you used an ereader?  I have read both PDF and epub on mine and 
> > epub is much better.  I can also read epub on my smart phone, where 
> > the screen is so small as to make it virtually useless for PDF.  As 
> > for "business", books I download from the library are often available 
> > in both epub and PDF.  Also, O'Reilly books are generally available in 
> > several formats and you can download whatevers ones you want, 
> > including all, if you're so inclined.
> >
> >
> I do not have a tablet computer or a smart phone with a screen large 
> enough to read "books".
> I have seen PDF books defined as paperback size of pages.  Places like 
> Lulu.com publish books with print on demand service.  They have 
> templates that are for the popular book sizes.  If I was going to create 
> an e-book, I would use one of those templates to make a book the 
> "physical" screen size of a paperback book.  Actually I prefer to buy 
> physical books in that size, since it is easier for me to read that size 
> of book over the "standard" hardcover books.
> So, I would do the same for any e-book I would create.
> Yes, publishers are not looking at [or doing it now] several file 
> formats for their e-books.  I once had a lot of PDF technical books.  
> Easy to get, but hard to use, or at least for me.  I prefer to use page 
> marking papers and a highlighter marker to mark the book pages that are 
> what I need.  I do not have that option for an e-book.  One thing I do 
> like for the PDF books is to be able to copy text [code mostly] from the 
> PDF documents and use that copied text within my documents or programming.
> So, to each his own.  But if you are going to create an e-book with 
> fixed page sizes and fonts, you must define the page size for the best 
> use on the screen size it is targeted for.

Hi Tim, others

Your the missing the point IMO - ePub formats are designed to fit the
form factor of the device (available fonts, etc also) being used to read
the content, at the time it's being presented.

PDF is just another throw back to printing on dead trees in this regard,
where the creator of the file sets the size of the layout when the file
is generated. 

This has additional implications, such as page counts and the use of
page numbers in a table of contents and index, the ePub formats and the
readers work such that those things are not fixed, they are variable
adjusting as needed, again, to the form factor of the device being used
to read the file.

Best wishes,


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