On 20/03/2012, darwinev0lved <darwinev0l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI, I was having problem with a docx document that work sent me (actually,
> this isn't the first time, but it'd be nice to sort it if poss.). When I try
> to save it, it crashes LO, I can recover it, I can save it as an odt but at
> some point I'm going to have to send it back, so I need to be able to save
> it as a docx.

Your company should be paying you to buy a legitimate copy of m$...

Why do you want LO to be a m$-clone? Who benefits?

m$ formats are irrelevant to odf. The priority for LO is superior
behaviour of the software with native formats.

How does the perfect m$-clone behaviour of LO desired by so many
unwilling to pay the m$ tax benefit the preferred proliferation of

> I though it might be something off with the document itself, so I opened up
> a blank document and tried to save that as a docx file - well this time I
> got "Libreoffice 3.5 has stopped working"
> So, not great.

Strategically, it is great; m$ fans are forced to make a decision: pay
the m$ to continue using and propagating the m$ formats.

Have you conducted a full cost-benefit analysis of the time you are
wasting (yours, programmers who choose to write code gratis) compared
to you buying m$ and therefore releasing more time available to
improve odf???

> Advice, thoughts?

Please create a new document in odf using LO. When you open that
document using m$ and notice the destruction of the quality of your
original document, write to m$ and ask them to explain why m$ is
unable to open your odf document properly and correctly. Don't forget
to also ask m$ how to submit a bug report for the faulty performance
of m$. Tell us the response.

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