Software: Libreoffice base
Version: (Debian Wheezy)
Subject: Cannot add primary key after saving without primary key.

I've got a problem.  I'm trying to test some different table designs.
Whenever I create a table without a primary key, I find that I cannot
go back and add a primary key later.  When I first save the table,
Libreoffice asks me if I want to create a primary key now.  I choose
"no" because I'm experimenting with some different table designs and
didn't want to commit to anything just yet.
1. Create table without primary key.
2. Save table.
3. Libreoffice asks if I want to create a primary key now.
4. I choose no.
5. I later then open the table and set the primary key.
6. I save the table.
7.  I open the table again and the primary key that I chose was not saved!

I've never had this kind of problem with a database before. Is this a
bug or a missing feature?

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