Hi :)
Thanks :)  So the data itself is stored inside the Base file.  There is only 1 
file.  Base is not just the front-end connecting you to an external back-end 
with the data in it.  Like it would be if using MS Access instead of LO Base.  

It's the way i would have approached Base before reading a lot of the comments 
on this list that suggest having the data in a separate back-end is much, much 
better.  At the moment i am a bit perplexed about how to use Base but it 
'should' be possible to just add an exra field,especially a primary key!  I'm 
just not sure how to do so.  I tried looking it up in the Faq
but that didn't seem aprticularly helpful!  The main page of the Faq is here
There is an introduction to Base in the Getting Started Guide
but only the 1st chapter is done for the main guide

Hopefully one of the database experts will be able to help you soon.  
Apols and regards from
Tom :)  

> From: David Smith <sidic...@gmail.com>
>To: Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk> 
>Cc: "users@global.libreoffice.org" <users@global.libreoffice.org> 
>Sent: Sunday, 21 October 2012, 12:16
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Cannot add primary key after saving without 
>primary key.
>> I used the Libreoffice wizard to create the database. It's a local
>> file. It's an offline laptop and I don't have MySQL or PostgresSQL
>> running so maybe it's SQLite?  What's the process to check the
>> backend?
>Database File is an .odb.  Open Document Database.
>Thanks for your time.
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