David Smith wrote:
Software: Libreoffice base
Version: (Debian Wheezy)
Subject: Cannot add primary key after saving without primary key.

I've got a problem.  I'm trying to test some different table designs.
Whenever I create a table without a primary key, I find that I cannot
go back and add a primary key later.  When I first save the table,
Libreoffice asks me if I want to create a primary key now.  I choose
"no" because I'm experimenting with some different table designs and
didn't want to commit to anything just yet.
1. Create table without primary key.
2. Save table.
3. Libreoffice asks if I want to create a primary key now.
4. I choose no.
5. I later then open the table and set the primary key.
6. I save the table.
7.  I open the table again and the primary key that I chose was not saved!

I've never had this kind of problem with a database before. Is this a
bug or a missing feature?

I am using the MySQL server for my database and have seen similar problems. I recently created a new table, selected the key, but forgot to set the "Autoincrement" attribute on the key before my first save of the table structure. I tried several things, such as moving the key to a temporary field, but nothing allowed me to make the original key field autoincrement. Every time I saved the table, the autoincrement selection on the key would revert to "No". Since this was a new table and no data was in it yet, I ended up deleting the table and recreating it with the autoincrement set on the key before I first saved it. I had similar things happen to me with table structure key definitions before. Once, I had to use the MySQL Monitor program and some SQL statements to change key definitions on existing database tables. Not fun and error prone, but it worked. The odd thing is that there is no error message from the server when these things happen, which makes me suspicious of Base or the JDBC driver - even more so since you are using a different server. The bottom line is that as far as Base table keys go, you must set them up properly before you do that first save of the new table structure. In my experience, non-key fields may be changed or added after the first save. The key field is special.
Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

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