Le 23/10/2012 07:38, David Smith a écrit :

Hi David,

> Strange.. It said it was completed successfully.  When I do this, I
> can now see the ID column and it appears I can add records. However,
> when I go into the design view for the table, there is no ID column or
> primary key columns and it shows only the columns I had before.  It
> also throws an error when I try to put in any records. "Attempt to
> insert null into non-nullable column "?".    But I don't have any
> columns labeled "?".

Did you restart LO (and reload the ODB file) each time you made a
structural change ?

> Also, there is a problem with adding auto-incrementing fields using
> the design view.  It just doesn't allow you to do it if the
> auto-incrementing field isn't the first field in the table.  With your
> SQL, I now see an auto-incrementing field at the end of the table
> which is pretty nice, and something I was trying to do earlier.

If the behaviour you describe above is reproducible, that would be a
bug. There shouldn't be AFAIK a requirement for the first field to be an
autoincrementing primary key in hsqldb.

> Should I be filing bug reports?

IMHO, yes. At least someone else can then test, confirm/deny.


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