Yes.  As you said, if you click no when it prompts you to create a key now.
Not only can you not create a key later, but you also cannot add data to
the table .   Again, I'm using the odb file for my database.  Would it not
make sense to block the user from being able to click "no" for creating a
primary key or fixing it so that a primary key can be created latter?  It
really sounds like a bug because it's all too easy to get yourself into a
bad situation where it's not clear why you cannot add records to the table.
On Oct 22, 2012 2:20 AM, "Girvin R. Herr" <> wrote:

> David Smith wrote:
>> Software: Libreoffice base
>> Version: (Debian Wheezy)
>> Subject: Cannot add primary key after saving without primary key.
>> I've got a problem.  I'm trying to test some different table designs.
>> Whenever I create a table without a primary key, I find that I cannot
>> go back and add a primary key later.  When I first save the table,
>> Libreoffice asks me if I want to create a primary key now.  I choose
>> "no" because I'm experimenting with some different table designs and
>> didn't want to commit to anything just yet.
>> 1. Create table without primary key.
>> 2. Save table.
>> 3. Libreoffice asks if I want to create a primary key now.
>> 4. I choose no.
>> 5. I later then open the table and set the primary key.
>> 6. I save the table.
>> 7.  I open the table again and the primary key that I chose was not saved!
>> I've never had this kind of problem with a database before. Is this a
>> bug or a missing feature?
> David,
> I am using the MySQL server for my database and have seen similar
> problems.  I recently created a new table, selected the key, but forgot to
> set the "Autoincrement" attribute on the key before my first save of the
> table structure.  I tried several things, such as moving the key to a
> temporary field, but nothing allowed me to make the original key field
> autoincrement.  Every time I saved the table, the autoincrement selection
> on the key would revert to "No".  Since this was a new table and no data
> was in it yet, I ended up deleting the table and recreating it with the
> autoincrement set on the key before I first saved it.  I had similar things
> happen to me with table structure key definitions before.  Once, I had to
> use the MySQL Monitor program and some SQL statements to change key
> definitions on existing database tables.  Not fun and error prone, but it
> worked.  The odd thing is that there is no error message from the server
> when these things happen, which makes me suspicious of Base or the JDBC
> driver - even more so since you are using a different server.  The bottom
> line is that as far as Base table keys go, you must set them up properly
> before you do that first save of the new table structure.  In my
> experience, non-key fields may be changed or added after the first save.
>  The key field is special.
> Hope this helps.
> Girvin Herr
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