In Ubuntu 13.04, the package in the software center is called:
Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts


On 08/26/2013 08:00 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
There used to be a package called something like "ms core fonts" which had 
arial, times new roman, trebuchet, verdana and maybe a couple other things.  I must have 
got the name a bit wrong because i cna't find it in my package manager now.

I've copied across a few fonts from Ubuntu to Windows but i should really find a 
way of being more consistent one day to get all machines on both networks the same 
as each other.  Possibly 1 folder on the file-share and then just drag&drop

Regards from
Tom :)

  From: Virgil Arrington <>
To: Info/UX <>
Cc: Tom Davies <>;
Sent: Tuesday, 27 August 2013, 0:33
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice paragraph styles exported to other 
I think you've got a good process there.

Fonts! It's one problem I see with interaction between Linux and Windows. I
have a dual boot Windows/Linux laptop, and the font issue is a constant
problem. I've found that many Windows fonts install quite nicely into Linux,
but I do want to respect copyrights and licenses, so I tend to use free
fonts as much as possible. The URW collection of free fonts is quite nice,
as is Linux Libertine, which has some really nice expert effects (old style
numbering, true small caps, etc.). Another great free font for book-style
work is OFL Sorts Mill Goudy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Info/UX
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 7:20 PM
To: Virgil Arrington
Cc: Tom Davies ;
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice paragraph styles exported to
other software/formats?

Thanks a lot for that, Virgil.

Based on the information you and Tom have provided, my workflow will go:
.ott (with paragraph and page styles) --> .odt (copy and paste .doc
content, load style from template, format, save) --> export to PDF -->
save as .doc --> send to MS computer --> Manually clean up any problems.

I think this should be fine, if a little involved. All the fonts I need
are standard MS stuff, which I have installed. I'll spare you the horror
stories about preparing a nice document in LO using DejaVU fonts and
then later opening in a new*ish* version of MS Word. ;-)

Thanks again for the time you took. Think I can get to work now.


On 26/08/13 23:59, Virgil Arrington wrote:
Before answering your question, I did a little test. I loaded a simple
.odt two page document in LO. It has some basic paragraph styles, and a
few outline styles with automatic numbering, along with a footer with a
page number. Basic stuff.

I then saved the document as a .doc (Word 2003). I loaded it into the Word
Starter Version that came with my Sony Laptop, and it converted *almost*
perfectly. There was only a slight deviation in my outline numbering. LO
adds more horizontal space after an automatic number, whereas Word adds a
<tab> character. When converting the document, LO added a <tab> and
adjusted the extra horizontal space, but there was still an ever so slight
difference in the lining up of the text. It would only bother an obsessive
person like me.

The page formatting and footer with page number translated perfectly.

I'm using LO 3.6.7 and I must say that it's .doc translation is extremely
good, much better than I remember from previous versions.


-----Original Message----- From: Info/UX
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 6:40 PM
To: Virgil Arrington
Cc: Tom Davies ;
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice paragraph styles exported to
other software/formats?

Thanks, Virgil.

My documents are similar to yours. One last question then I'll give you
guys some peace. :-) Would making a page style with page size "letter"
and with a footer be considered LO specific? I don't need anything more
intricate than that.

Thanks for the tip regarding Atlantis. I only have Linux at home so will
probably stick with LO.

Thanks again. Your replies have helped a lot.


On 26/08/13 23:29, Virgil Arrington wrote:
My documents tend to be *really* basic in terms of formatting. Typically,
they are either legal or academic style papers. I'm a heavy user of
paragraph styles and won't work without them.

I tend to do my entire document as an .odt and then at the end convert to
.doc as necessary. I'd use the paragraph styles, but I would avoid LO
specific methods.

Another option is a shareware word processor called Atlantis. It's a
lightweight clone of pre 2007 Word (e.g., no ribbon) with a $35.00
registration. I often use it when Word compatibility is paramount. It
does nearly everything *exactly* like Word. I honestly don't know why MS
hasn't sued them, it's that close. It doesn't support tables, but other
than that, it will handle simple formats very well and will produce a
result that Word should read fairly well.


-----Original Message----- From: Info/UX
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 5:38 PM
To: Tom Davies
Cc: Virgil Arrington ;
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice paragraph styles exported to
other software/formats?

Thanks, Tom, Virgil.

If I wanted to use different text body styles throughout I would
probably have made new styles and called them text body 1, 2, etc.
Luckily nothing like that is needed in this case. But I have created my
simple template with basic paragraph and page styles.

So, in trying to process the information in both of your replies, I feel
I now have two options: (1) Keep with the MS formats (.docx, but .doc if
possible) and format with minimal use of LO's special features (even so,
I'd rather use styles than format everything manually), (2) Start a
blank .odt and copy and paste my article content and load the styles
from my template and save to doc later (and maybe then to docx on a
windows machine).

Which method do you think would give the best results? The priority is
for the finished pieces to look consistent in MS Word... and also allow
other people to edit the .docs in Word with minimal quirky things going

Thanks for all this advice.


On 26/08/13 21:18, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
If you can use MS Office to do some final proof-reading then you are
unlikely to have any problems.

We have been assuming that is not possible and that would make the final
outcome uncertain.  Being able to quickly scroll through before sending
it out into the world kinda eliminates that uncertainty.

If you can keep all your 'originals' in Odt format and then at the end
convert to Doc format then you should find that there are no surprises.

Virgil seems to be talking about a very specific set of styles or method
of using styles.  He is talking about changing styles (such as changing
the font of "text body") on different pages within the same document.
If you need to do that it might be worth creating duplicates of the
styles and then modifying the duplicates?  I'm not sure how to deal with
that but Virgil has probably found a work-around if needed.

I would keep copies of photos/images/art/logos near the original Odts
just in case you do run into problems.  LO does have an extremely rare
intermittent bug that is difficult to pin down but seems to be getting
rarer and rarer as code clean-up goes on.  You know that you can rename
files from .Odt or .DocX to .Zip and then double-click to see the Xml
coding inside along with folders for various things such as images.
Sometimes it can be a neat way to fix problems but it's a bit risky.
The Xml tags and such are very different in the 2 formats so just
renaming .Odt to .DocX might create fairly serious problems. Stick with
the "Save As ...".  the Doc format doesn't open in that way and doesn't
hold images in an image format which is another reason i suggest keeping
a copy of images nearby.

Also i have sometimes found that mysterious things happen during the
course of a Word document.  So to save myself a lot of time i tend to
start with a fresh new Odt and then use
Ctrl Shift v
to paste in "unformatted text" and then apply styles (and maybe modfied
the styles after to watch the mod ripple through the document).
Occasionally i have wanted to "just do something quickly" and then been
frustrated by some weird bit of insane MS formatting that just keeps
throwing up problems until i relent and do the "start again from
scratch" approach which has then typically taken just a few minutes even
if the problem seemed intractable.

Regards from
Tom :)


*From:* Info/UX <>
*To:* Virgil Arrington <>
*Sent:* Monday, 26 August 2013, 19:23
*Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice paragraph styles exported
to other software/formats?

Thanks, Virgil.

I can probably alter any lists when I work in an MS environment at the
final stage of formatting.

Regarding page formatting — I'm wondering if I use slightly more
advanced features of LibreOffice to get my results whether it would
cause more problems when working in Word. I am trying to keep the
process relatively simple. The articles only need to have consistent
fonts and spacing and perhaps one page break for the bibliographies. I
have starting created a LibreOffice template with customised paragraph
styles and some changes to the page style. I was planning to apply this
to the .docs. As long as 90% or so of my formatting would transfer to
Word, I don't mind making some manual adjustments at that stage.


On 26/08/13 13:00, Virgil Arrington wrote:
In my experience, most paragraph styles tend to translate well to
MS-Word formats. However, I've had problems with the alignment of
automatic numbering and/or bullets. LO and MSW seem to align them

One bigger difference, however, is the way the two formats handle
formatting. LO uses page styles to change formatting from one page to
another, whereas Word does not. It uses section breaks to make such
page formatting changes, and I've found discrepancies in translating
page formatting between the two.


-----Original Message----- From: Info/UX
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 1:38 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice paragraph styles exported to
other software/formats?


Apologies if this is a basic question. I've been given some
documents to
format according to certain style guidelines. The files are mostly
and .doc and must be sent off in this format. I work only with
LibreOffice. My questions is, if I format the articles using
and page styles rather than just directly changing the format in the
body of the document, will the formatting be maintained when the
documents are opened in MS Office? I am not concerned with small
discrepancies that can be tweaked later on, rather whether this
of formatting generally transfers well. Again, sorry if it's a silly

Many thanks.

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