rost52 wrote:
> The metric system has it is advantage in the factors of 10 or 1/10. I
> consider this as the reason why most countries adopted the metric system.

It was also designed as a logical system, tied to defined physical
constants.  I recently watched a video about how the new standard for a
kilogram was the number of atoms in a precisely measured silicon
sphere.  The kilometre was originally defined in relation to the
distance from the equator to the poles, but is currently determined by
the wavelength of light emitted by the kryton-86 items.  This shows the
metric system is defined in terms of physical constants and not some
unmeasurable item such as the length of a long dead king's arm.
> If a country is serious about a change, than all measures must be
> provided for a while in both units and after while the old units must
> disappear.

In Canada, when Km and °C came in, there was a switch over date, the
road sides had stickers placed over the old speed limit in miles to show
in Km.  Weather reporting swithed to Celcius.  As for physical things,
there was a date given, where dimensions had to be specified in metric,
but this applied to things made after that date and older items could
still be sold.  However, manufacturers switched production well before
that date.  The switch over was also phased in, so only one thing
changed at a time.

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