Hi :)   
Several different issues all in one thread.  

Whenever you install Windows or upgrade, such as from Xp to Win7 the Windows 
installer kindly 'fixes' the MBR to point at the Windows boot-loader (NTldr).  
Windows can't see non-Windows stuff and even has trouble with other versions of 
Windows.  So the Windows boot-loader only lets you boot into the version of 
Windows that you have just installed (or upgraded to).  

Whenever you install almost any other OS they tend to default to 'fix' your MBR 
to point to their own boot-loader (usually Grub or Lilo).  That automatically 
finds all OSes on your system, even ones on other drives or even on any 
usb-sticks that happen to be plugged in at the time.  It creates a "boot menu" 
listing all the different OSes, allowing you to choose which one to boot into.  

If your MBR has been 'fixed' then it is usually fairly trivial to re'fix' it to 
whichever boot-loader you wanted.  There are various special tools which can 
also do the job.  Personally i just use almost any LiveCd/USb of almost any 
distro to run just a couple of commands and that's it re'fixed' again.  Having 
a special tool to run the couple of commands seems a bit extravagant [shrugs]

fix = mend
always?  So in newspapers when they say a race was fixed do they mean the race 
had been broken?  So why is it said as an accusation?  Similarly with the MBR.  
It is "fixed" to ensure that only one boot-loader has any chance of winning.  
All the rest might as well not even be in the race at all.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
Sent: Sunday, 6 October 2013, 0:10
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

I run Ubuntu 12.04 on my systems, including dual booting.

Mint has some network printer issues that Ubuntu did not.

I use the dual booting on a DELL and a Gateway laptop - DELL and older
slower dual core, with the Gateway a newer and faster dual core.  The
only booting problem I had was when I upgraded from Vista to Win7 Pro,
it messed the dual booting ability till I ran a Utility disc. 

I choose Ubuntu since it was the only one - 9.xx days that worked with
my old HP laptop's sound system from the Live CD.  I wish that Ubuntu
did not drop the Live CD and DVD diferences.  Now the Live disc is not
large at all, not compared to the 12.04/12.10 versions.

I choose MATE desktop to work as the GNOME 2.x did with Ubuntu 10.04's
version.  I do not like Unity at all.

For me, the LO hyphation system works fine.  I run version 4.05 for LO
and 12.04 for Ubuntu right now for my default system.

I started with DOS but did not get to use Windows till 3.x.  I saw 2.x
but never used it.  I use to install Windows 95 and 98 from floppy
drives onto a IBM PC that had a hard drive of no more than 20 to 40 MB,
let alone GB. 

But I got into Linux from the point that I could not afford to purchase
new hardware or any new software, so I had to use old hardware and find
free sources for the software.  In the end, I even when to the free OS
of Ubuntu.

As for overheating laptops, I tend to get them in the "heavy side" since
the thicker ones tend to have a bit better heat sink and fan options to
keep then laptops cooler.  Actually, for Windows try SpeedFan utility to
see how hot the various parts of you laptop is getting.  My newer one is
a lot coller than the older/slower one.  Of course that old dual core
DELL was not "powerful enough" to create movie DVDs out of MP4 and AVI
file, according to DELL's tech people, even though the single core HP
laptop, 2 years older than that, could to this without any problems. 
But as I stated, the heavier, and the thicker, the laptop is, more
lickly it would run cooler than these new super thin ones.

As for the Repositories, well some distros are way behind others for
package versions.  Debian seems to be father behind than most others
that are updated regularly.  I run Ubuntu 12.04 LTS [long term support]
and 13.10 is to come out this month.  Some of the repository packages
are not up-to-date as the 13.04 versions, but I should be using 12.04LTS
till 14.04LTS comes out, or at least on most of my Ubuntu systems. 

Of course, you do not need to stick with the repository packages, for
software like LO, since there are other newer version available for
download from the software developers.  I have only once stuck with a
repository version for LO, and that was for only a few months.  Actually
I will update my desktop to 4.0.6 when it comes out, while one of my
laptops will have 4.1.2 on one of its boots, maybe the Windows boot,
like I have 4.1.1 right now.

On 10/05/2013 06:35 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
> I wish I had your experience with Linux. All of my efforts with it on
> my Sony VAIO laptop have been met with frustration.
> I recently shared my frustrations with LO on both Ubuntu and Mint
> (through "Wubi" installations) not recognizing the libhyphen
> hyphenator even though it shows in my file system. When Tom suggested
> that Wubi wasn't the best way to go, I uninstalled my Wubi
> installation and began to experiment with several live CDs to see how
> different distributions worked. Here's what I found:
> openSuse Live CD: LO worked well with the hyphenator, but it wouldn't
> play Youtube videos.
> LinuxMint Live CD: It played YouTube videos, but did not recognize the
> LO hyphenator. Version 15 also won't run a Bible program that I tried
> to install.
> Ubuntu Live CD: Same as Mint, but it runs the Bible program.
> Debian Live CD: It played YouTube Videos, it recognized the LO
> hyphenator, but on my laptop, it didn't recognize my wireless modem
> adaptor. I had to plug in an ethernet cord to access the Web.
> Puppy Linux: I really like Puppy. It runs entirely in RAM, and is
> lightning quick, but is obviously very sparse, with "Gnome Office",
> i.e., AbiWord, Gnumeric, etc. rather than LO. But it runs YouTube
> videos just fine.
> I tried both Ubuntu and Mint on a jump drive where I could actually
> save settings and install additional programs. I found the software
> installation process curious compared to Windows. With Windows, I
> download the latest file, double click on it in "Downloads" and it
> installs. With Linux, I can use Software Manager, but the versions on
> the GUI repositories are woefully out of date. For example, I use
> ReText, a markdown editor which is currently on version 4.1, but the
> version at the Ubuntu/Mint repositories was in the 2.x range. To get a
> more recent version meant going to the command line "Sudo apt" this,
> "Sudo apt" that, etc. Hardly intuitive after nearly three decades of
> GUI computing.
> I then tried to "do it right" and dual boot install the Debian system.
> Yes, I know that Debian is less user friendly than the other distros,
> but I liked its totally open source attitude and relative simplicity,
> even if it meant using the command line more. I was willing to learn.
> I found a great YouTube video walking through the dual boot install,
> and I followed it to a "T". It worked great, I rebooted into Debian
> and all was good. I then rebooted into Windows and, again, all was
> good. I then tried to reboot into Debian again, and it wouldn't boot.
> It hung up with a message saying it stopped waiting for a
> "thermal-module.sys" or something like that. I then got a blank screen
> with a clock cursor that I could move, but nothing else happened. I
> tried rebooting several times, and the same thing happened each time.
> I then read online that a recent version of the Linux Kernel has been
> overheating some laptops; I don't know if that was my issue, but it
> scared me. I never dreamed that an OS could actually do physical harm
> to my hardware.
> I realized I would have to go online to a great Linux community (and I
> mean "great" sincerely) to find out what was wrong. I'm sure that,
> given enough time, I could figure it out. But, at some point, I
> decided that actually computing was more important than trying to make
> it a supplemental OS working. And, for me, it would always be
> supplemental as I need some programs that only Windows offers.
> All of my Windows versions from 1.0 (yes, I had Windows 1.0) through
> Windows 7 have worked well for me, and I have never paid for a Windows
> OS, except as it was included in the price of my computers. In my
> experience, LO has always worked better on my Windows systems than any
> of the LO systems I have ever tried.
> I mean no disrespect to Linux or penguins. I honestly share your
> passion for Open Source. I use FOSS programs whenever I can. As I have
> stated before, I *really* want to like Linux, but every time I have
> tried it, either with a Windows installer, Live CD or even "true" dual
> boot (I once had a true Ubuntu dual boot), I run into a some roadblock
> that requires a large investment of time to chase down. I feel that,
> with Linux, I'll spend more time maintaining my OS than actually
> getting work done.
> So, I'll continue to use Windows until it stops working or MS comes up
> with some licensing scheme that suddenly turns me into a criminal by
> just using their program.
> Virgil
> -----Original Message----- From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster
> Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2013 8:32 AM
> To: users@global.libreoffice.org
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer
> Errors??)
> We are not weird, just passonate about Open Source.
> Actually, to be honest, having some type of penguin stuff animal or sign
> at our work desks can be a good conversation starter for Linux, Open
> Source Packages, and even LO.  Instead of you coming to them, they come
> to you and would not be concidered rude on your side to answer questions
> when they come to you.
> The Penguin Defence Squad poster was just something to give others a
> good laugh.
> Well, to be perfectly honest, it is weird for us to . . . .
> 1 - want to pay for an operating system for our computers, if we get a
> good one for free.
> 2 - want to pay for an office suite when you can get a good one for free
> - think LO
> 3 - want to deal with all of the crashes and other stability issues
> 4 - want to have the OS "type" that runs most of the Internet and other
> "must be up 99.99% of the time" servers?
> 5 - want to have the freedom to choose what the desktop environment will
> look like - Untiy, KDE, MATE, and a whole lot of others - instead of
> what some big company boss decides you must like.
> It is called Freedom
> by the way
> more and more industries are moving over to Linux as their primary
> business systems, desktop and server, and dropping MS products, after MS
> decided that everyone wanted those little tiles on your computer and
> many other things that businesses really do not want.
> Would you have 10+ windows open and on the screen or minimized to the
> "tray"?  When I work, I tend to have many windows open at the same time,
> or minimized so I can interact with all them creating my documents.
> Last Time I tried it on Windows, Vista or Win7, it was a nightmare.
> I really love Ubuntu Linux over Windows 7.  I started using Linux when I
> could not find a free Windows package to do what I needed after the
> Windows package crashed and would not allow me to reinstall it.  I have
> been using it as my default desktop since early spring of 2010.  I have
> all my Windows laptops dual booting to Ubuntu as well.  There are
> something I need Windows for, but I rarely use it more than a few times
> a month.
> Yes, we are weird, but it is a good weird.
> On 10/05/2013 07:44 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
>> These two messages 'splain a lot. You Linux dudes are really weird. ;)
>> Virgil
>> -----Original Message----- From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster
>> Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 8:53 PM
>> To: users@global.libreoffice.org
>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Corrupt Installer Errors??
>> I collect every non-movie-character penguin stuffed animal as I can
>> find.  I think they are cute, for some odd reason.
>> Still, it would be interesting to see more Tux Penguin "items" being
>> sold somewhere so you could have a "Tux" on your desk or door, or
>> somewhere.  Then if the ask why you have a pengiun there, you could tell
>> them.  Actually, I found severl hundred penguin images that have the
>> character dressed in super hero and other "costumes".  I even have a
>> self made poster stating that my place is defended by a Penguin Defence
>> Squad with about a dozen costume character penguines that are dresses in
>> such a way that I would not want to have a bunch of humans dress liked
>> that I had to go up against, even if a few look more Halloween costume
>> than real type people would wear.
>> On 10/04/2013 11:09 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> Maybe consider being nice to them and getting a cute cuddly penguin
>>> as a present.  Also see if you can spot anyone that already has a
>>> penguin on their desk as they might be more amenable to using
>>> OpenSource software.
>>> Personally i tend to hate cute and cuddly things but even so if it
>>> was a penguin that would make me smile.  Penguins are so cool,
>>> especially Tux
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>> ________________________________
>>>  From: contrazz <dig...@contrawise.net>
>>> To: users@global.libreoffice.org
>>> Sent: Wednesday, 2 October 2013, 4:59
>>> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Corrupt Installer Errors??
>>> Wow!
>>> Nice thread hijack, folks!
>>> >From busted downloads to nefarious Wi-Fi in three easy steps!
>>> My company's firewall doesn't allow torrent downloads.
>>> I never use IE unless it's the only option.
>>> I used Firefox and Chrome - with identical, broken results.
>>> Eventually, I took one of the computers off-site, and immediately got
>>> a good
>>> download.  .
>>> Back inside the perimeter, another try yielded another broken file.
>>> I'll grouch to my IT crew about it tomorrow.
>>> Hope y'all have fun with the Wi-Fi thread ... !
>>> -- 
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Corrupt-Installer-Errors-tp4075791p4075945.html
>>> Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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