Don Myers wrote:
> I started with Ubuntu with version 8.10, and have had each version
> since then. I generally find it easiest to do a clean install. One
> advantage of that is every 6 months I have a complete backup of my
> hard drive. The second advantage is it is very easy to do. Each
> program has its own hidden file under the home directory, such as
> .thunderbird, .mozilla, .filezilla, gimp-2.8, etc. Once the new
> install is completed, and you have the programs installed that you
> wish from the repository or the ppa, open each one one time to create
> the .whatever hidden file. Then simply delete that file and replace it
> with the backed up file, and you have all of your settings, e-mail,
> bookmarks, server settings for filezille, and everything exactly the
> way was. Very easy and very fast. Much, much, much faster than doing a
> clean install of Windows.

Why not just have a separate /home partition?  That way, you don't have
to delete & replace the app files.

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