Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
> It was really "nice" of Windows to stop allowing me to boot into Ubuntu
> after I upgraded from Vista to Win7.  I had to use a boot "fixer" disc
> to give me back my Ubuntu.  At least that laptop is the one I use only
> once in a while, since I have a small drive in it, compared to my other one.

I have never had a problem with not being able to access Linux when
Windows is on the system.  Windows installs will always break the boot
loader, so you have to be prepared to deal with that.  However,
reinstalling Windows from the DVDs has never trashed Linux, though I
have heard some recovery discs will.  So, as a rule, unless I have no
alternative, I install Windows first and then Linux.  With my ThinkPad
E520, the first thing I did was to build the recovery DVDs and then used
the Windows tools to shrink the partition, to make room for the Linux
install.  I have not had to reinstall Windows 7 since then.  On my old
ThinkPad, I did reinstall from DVD, but it did not touch the Linux
partitions, only the boot loader.

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