Hi :)
As James said it might well be better to make a separate partition for your 
/home.  It's easier to do that during the install process but this link can be 
handy if you want to try this post-install. 
If the way you are doing it keeps working then you might as well stick to that 
but thee are other advantages to having a separate /home

The way Don is doing it doesn't work for a very few programs (such as Evolution 
(an alternative to Thunderbird&Lightning)) but does work for almost all afaik.  
I used to do the same thing but since 2010 the upgrade process has been really, 
really smooth so i have often gone for that instead now.  I do occasionally do 
a fresh install onto the same machine but that is for other reasons (such as 
testing or just to get more practice or because my fiddling around has broken 
something i don't know how to fix and then want it back the way it was before i 
started fiddling).  

I've even found that i can do a fresh install over the top of an existing one 
and that keeps all my settings&configs as long as i didn't format the partition 
during the install.  I have installed a 10.04 over the top of a 10.10 and then 
when i opened Firefox all the same tabs opened that i had left open in the 
10.10.  Errr, my main reasoning there was to try to upgrade an unsupported 
version without having to use subsequent versions that were also unsupported.  
By going backwards to the 10.04 LTS (LTS= Long Term Support) i was then able to 
upgrade LTS to LTS to get to the 12.04LTS.  Again Firefox remembered all my 
tabs.  Afterwards i realised i could have just done a fresh install of the 
12.04 instead of using the 10.04LS as a stepping stone.  Hindsight is great 
isn't it! ;)

Regards from 
Tom :)  

----- Original Message -----
From: James Knott <james.kn...@rogers.com>
To: LibreOffice <users@global.libreoffice.org>
Sent: Sunday, 6 October 2013, 18:39
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: boot-loaders, was: Fw: Penguins: (Was 
Corrupt Installer Errors??)

Don Myers wrote:
> I started with Ubuntu with version 8.10, and have had each version
> since then. I generally find it easiest to do a clean install. One
> advantage of that is every 6 months I have a complete backup of my
> hard drive. The second advantage is it is very easy to do. Each
> program has its own hidden file under the home directory, such as
> .thunderbird, .mozilla, .filezilla, gimp-2.8, etc. Once the new
> install is completed, and you have the programs installed that you
> wish from the repository or the ppa, open each one one time to create
> the .whatever hidden file. Then simply delete that file and replace it
> with the backed up file, and you have all of your settings, e-mail,
> bookmarks, server settings for filezille, and everything exactly the
> way was. Very easy and very fast. Much, much, much faster than doing a
> clean install of Windows.

Why not just have a separate /home partition?  That way, you don't have
to delete & replace the app files.

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