Gary Collins wrote:
I've just tried this in firefox. A couple of things:

1) access to the file save option seems to be indirect - but maybe there is a 
way to customise this, I haven't got time to check at the moment; but

2) much more importantly - it does indeed save as a single file, but the 
formatting is *awful* nothing like the original page, and pictures, graphics, 
etc are not there - just links. That's not what I want to see when  I open a 
webpage file, I want to see the page (more or less) the same as it was 
originally when I opened it online.

I think Firefox is similar, but in SeaMonkey (based on Firefox) under File > Save As there are a couple of options:

- "Web Page, complete" saves referenced files images, stylesheets, etc. in a folder alongside the HTML file and changes the references in the HTML file to refer to the saved copies. It still sometimes misses some, I guess if the references are generated dynamically by a script it can't reliably predict what might be needed.

- "Web Page, HTML only" just saves the HTML file without all the other resources. In that case, I think the references are left as they were originally, so you'll see them if you have Internet access and they're still available at the same URLs (or your browser has cached them). If not, you won't get the images, stylesheets, etc.

Which raises another issue: I save pages for later viewing on a machine that 
doesn't have an internet connection. I'm assuming that an internet connection 
will be essential to follow any of the hyperlinks in the file, which would 
render the format useless for my purposes.

You might want to look at wget:
It's a command-line utility which can not only download web pages along with referenced resources, just as the "complete" option above does, but also recursively follow links - so you would be able to follow them offline. I believe it mirrors the structure of resources from the server, so for example if the same image is used on every page you only download it once.

I guess it would still suffer the same limitations with dynamically generated references.


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