On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Joe Landman
<land...@scalableinformatics.com> wrote:
> More than merely wrong, it opens up the people/company who registered it to
> legal action in the US if univa and/or gridengine are trademarks, or
> copyrighted of a particular entity.

Joe, you haven't showed up on the Grid Engine lists for a long while! :-D

"Univa" is a registered trademark (for computer software design, ... ,
grid computing applications, etc, then the owner is Univa Corporation.
For other industries, then the trademark is owned by other "Univa"

"Grid Engine" is not a trademark. I think Oracle/Sun can still
trademark it, but others may not be possible to do so as we have 4
implementations of "Grid Engine", plus Xoreax Grid Engine which has
nothing to do with SGE. And if I understand the US copyright &
trademark rules correctly, one can't trademark commonly used terms or
words like "computer", "chair", or even "windows" unless one uses it
in a different context (like naming an OS "Windows"). On the other
hand, Linus applied for the "Linux" trademark after Linux was wide
spread, but he is the first person using the word "Linux" to refer to
his products.


> --
> Joseph Landman, Ph.D
> Founder and CEO
> Scalable Informatics Inc.
> email: land...@scalableinformatics.com
> web  : http://scalableinformatics.com
>       http://scalableinformatics.com/sicluster
> phone: +1 734 786 8423 x121
> fax  : +1 866 888 3112
> cell : +1 734 612 4615
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