And I just found this one today:

Again, as a contributor who has stayed with Oracle and Sun Grid Engine and Open 
Grid Scheduler for
over 10 years, I think it is unacceptable to register a domain using other 
company's product name.

While Univa has been using FUD against open source, this is not the way to 


----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Chen <>
To: Mark Magento <>
Cc: users <>
Sent: Friday, January 6, 2012 12:46 AM
Subject: Re: [gridengine users] More Univa FUD???

Hi Mark,

(Just back from my vacation and I am really late in this discussion.)

Did you create this website?

While I am not a fan of Univa (mainly have problem with its market practices), 
I am also not a fan
of those who create a website using the name of other people's products  (i.e. 
Univa's UniCloud),
with the content of the website all about bashing Univa's products.

If possible, please unregister that blog - it is not helping anyone in the HPC 
or Cloud industry.

Also, the "Grid Engine Truth" website referenced in the article is dead:

But from WHOIS, the registrant of the site is "Mike Majento", who also owns 
Univa Sucks:

And who has also written articles like these:

And an article written by "Grayson Tyreman" telling people to use Scalable 
Logic or Platform LSF!?

Both Rayson and I did not write this, and I am sure the BioTeam, Oracle (Andy), 
and Reuti did not
write this - I know Rayson and Andy for a long time, and Reuti & the Bioteam 
have been helping
this community for almost 9 years without asking for any return. (Platform 
Computing has been
flighting SGE for a long time, but I don't know them well so I can't comment on 
whether they are
behind this or not.)

However, I think this is to create further fragmentation in Grid Engine, and 
this madness has to stop!

(I am speaking for myself, and I have not done any business with Univa or other 
Grid Engine
players like Scalable Logic or Sun and/or Oracle. But as a contributor & 
someone who has stayed
with the SGE community for 10+ years I think I need to say something about 


From: Mark Magento <>
Cc: users <> 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [gridengine users] More Univa FUD???


Thanks for the feedback.

After looking over that post and reading your feedback I have changed the
language on it considerably. 

My overall issue with Univa has been some of the claims they make and I think
that it is not beneficial to the community or the project. I have tried to take
it up with Univa but they lend a deaf ear.

They have every right to pursue commercial interests but my motivation here was 
only to help give the community a stronger voice to combat some of the claims
that Univa has made that are less than beneficial to the community and the
project. As well as to help potential customers have more knowledge of other
options that might help them make better decisions.

In terms of the issue at hand, I realize that that name has never been used for
anything with Grid Engine but it just seemed to me that having it owned by and
linked to them was but another link in a long chain of negative actions toward
the community as fully documented on previous mails on I'm 
sorry if you disagree but it seems to me that Univa is slowly trying to get rid 
of the community as it would present the biggest barrier to it making money 
with Grid Engine. 

Please see the changes made to my blog at

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 12:58 PM, Chris Dagdigian <> wrote:

>> First they closed the
>> source code, now they are taking over the 'Grid Engine' name. What will
>> they do next??
my $.02 ...
>Mark if you wanna see a textbook example of infantile FUD in action all you 
>need to do is read your own blog at
> has been owned by a domain speculator or some other value-less 
>operator since at least 2005 when I bought the and 
> domains. Just like is being used right now in 
> has *never* been used for anything GE related and a quick visit 
>to will show that it's basically hosted a domain parking page for 
>And now ... it redirects ... to ... the company that hired a bunch 
>of the GE development team ... The company that sells and supports a GE 
>variant ... the company with a product called ... (drumroll) ... "Grid Engine".
>FUD != "company purchasing a domain name from a speculator that accurately 
>describes the product they are developing and selling"
>Wait until someone does a google search for "open grid scheduler" and notices 
>that Univa might have bought placement around those keywords. That's totally 
>gonna blow some minds. Maybe I should get in front of that outrage train and 
>label it UltraMegaUberFUD :)
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