On 5/22/05, Joost de Heer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Piping works under windows too. Although I've noticed that using several
> piped logs, things stop working properly ('several' was in my case about
> 25). Don't know if this was a problem in my configuration, or a general
> problem.
> You could always use one general piped log, and add the vhost-information
> to the log, so you can split logs later on.
> Using strftime-style logfile-names works also under windows.
> Also try avoiding spaces in file/directory names.
> I usually use something like
> CustomLog "|d:/apps/apache2/2.0.xx/bin/rotatelogs.exe
> d:/apps/apache2/logs/access_%Y%m%d.log 86400" common
> to get daily logs.
> Joost

Could someone please express his opinion on this:

The Apache installation is located at [1] (it's a test server), the
logs location folder has been selected as [2] the directory itself of
curse has been pre created.

[1] C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\
[2] C:\ApacheLogs

Now, when setting in httpd.conf the CustomLog as [3] the server fails
to start with the error code (0x1) in the windows system logger [4].

[3] CustomLog "|c:/Program Files/Apache
Group/Apache2/bin/rotatelogs.exe c:/ApacheLogs/access_log 600" common

[4] The Apache2 service terminated with service-specific error 1 (0x1).

While, when setting the CustomLog as [5] the server start normally.

[5] CustomLog "|c:/progra~1/Apache~1/Apache2/bin/rotatelogs.exe
c:/ApacheLogs/access_log 600" common

Is it the only way to treat spacing in windows? i.e by converting the
folders to the 8.3 DOS notation ?

Thanks for thoughts (:

Maxim Vexler (hq4ever).

Do u GNU ?

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