It looks like that one escaped before I was finished replying.

My apologies.

I suggested this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^(www\.)?domain\.ext/subdomain/(.*)$ subdomain\.domain\.ext/$2

On 19-Jan-10 10:33, Tom Evans wrote:

RewriteRules operate over the part of the URL after the host and
before the query string, so you would be wanting to try out

Okay, The issue is, links to domain.ext/subdirectoryX/ versus
to the matching sub(.*)X.domain.ext - if that makes more sense
to you.

, in particular the section labelled 'What is matched'.

Seen it.

In case you were unclear because you weren't here earlier: I'm not
very good with opaque instructions like, read the incomprehensible
manual. Mod_rewrite is voodoo. Cool voodoo, but still voodoo and
no amount of RTFM will suffice when the manual is incomplete.

Help me understand why my suggestion above does not work, I'll
learn from that. I can throw URLs at you, too.


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