There are release binaries for Windows, see, or you can compile from the source
codes yourself.

2014/1/16 Claude Morin <>

> Please note that this is not a complaint.  It's more a check of my sanity
> and a hope to be pointed in the right direction :-).
> I'm unable to find Windows binaries for 2.2.26; only 2.2.25 is available
> at and on all mirrors.  I searched the FAQ and the mailing
> list archive and the only relevant thing I found is (emphasis mine):
> Q. Why isn't there a binary for my platform?
> A. ...The sole exception to these practices is the Windows package. Unlike
> most Unix and Unix-like platforms,
> Windows systems do not come with a bundled software development
> environment, so we do prepare binary kits for
> Windows when we make a release. Again, however, it's a voluntary thing and
> only a limited number of the developers
> have the capability to build the InstallShield package, so the *Windows
> release may lag somewhat *behind the source
> release. This *lag should be no more than a few days at most*.
> On a related note, I also noticed that no Windows binary exists for the
> 2.4 branch, not even an old version.
> Taken together, these findings make me think that Windows binary releases
> may have ceased formally some time after the release of 2.2.25.
> If that's correct, can anyone point me to information about the specific
> configuration settings and build environment used for the 2.2.25 release?
> If I'm to build from source, I'd like to replicate the build as accurately
> as possible.
> Thanks in advance for any clarity.

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