I'm afraid I don't have any clues offhand.  We *have* had problems with the 
Pathscale compiler in the past that were never resolved by their support crew.  
However, they were of the "variables weren't initialized and the process 
generally aborts" kind of failure, not a "persistent hang" kind of failure.

Can you tell where in MPI_Init the process is hanging?  E.g., can you build 
Open MPI with debugging enabled (such as by passing CFLAGS=-g to OMPI's 
configure line) and then attach a debugger to a hung process and see what it's 
stuck on?

On Jan 25, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Rafael Arco Arredondo wrote:

> Hello:
> I'm having some issues with Open MPI 1.4.1 and Pathscale compiler
> (version 3.2). Open MPI builds successfully with the following configure
> arguments:
> ./configure --with-openib=/usr --with-openib-libdir=/usr/lib64
> --with-sge --enable-static CC=pathcc CXX=pathCC F77=pathf90 F90=pathf90
> FC=pathf90
> (we have OpenFabrics 1.2 Infiniband drivers, by the way)
> However, applications hang on MPI_Init (or maybe MPI_Comm_rank or
> MPI_Comm_size, a basic hello-world anyway doesn't print 'Hello World
> from node...'). I tried running them with and without SGE. Same result.
> This hello-world works flawlessly when I build Open MPI with gcc:
> ./configure --with-openib=/usr --with-openib-libdir=/usr/lib64
> --with-sge --enable-static
> This successful execution runs in one machine only, so it shouldn't use
> Infiniband, and it also works when several nodes are used.
> I was able to build previous versions of Open MPI with Pathscale (1.2.6
> and 1.3.2, particularly). I tried building version 1.4.1 both with
> Pathscale 3.2 and Pathscale 3.1. No difference.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you in advance,
> Rafa
> --
> Rafael Arco Arredondo
> Centro de Servicios de Informática y Redes de Comunicaciones
> Universidad de Granada
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