Right, I get the v1schema vs v2schema issue. What I'm saying is that I've
already been able to import the image from the private docker repository
into an imagestream:

[root@os-master ~]# oc describe is
Name:                   testwebapp
Created:                24 hours ago
Labels:                 <none>
Docker Pull Spec:

Tag     Spec
latest  docker-lab.example.com:5000/testwebapp:latest *        24 hours
ago    docker-lab.example.com:5000/testwebapp@sha256:c1c8c6c3e1c672...

  * tag is scheduled for periodic import
  ! tag is insecure and can be imported over HTTP or self-signed HTTPS

[root@os-master ~]# oc describe dc/testwebapp
Name:           testwebapp
Created:        24 hours ago
Labels:         app=testwebapp
Annotations:    openshift.io/generated-by=OpenShiftNewApp
Latest Version: 3
Selector:       app=testwebapp,deploymentconfig=testwebapp
Replicas:       3
Triggers:       Config, Image(testwebapp@latest, auto=true)
Strategy:       Rolling
  Labels:       app=testwebapp,deploymentconfig=testwebapp
\u0026\u0026 tail -f /usr/local/tomcat/logs/catalina.out"],
    QoS Tier:
      cpu:      BestEffort
      memory:   BestEffort
    Environment Variables:
  No volumes.

Deployment #3 (latest):
        Name:           testwebapp-3
        Created:        18 hours ago
        Status:         Complete
        Replicas:       3 current / 3 desired
        Labels:         app=testwebapp,
        Pods Status:    3 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
Deployment #2:
        Created:        21 hours ago
        Status:         Complete
        Replicas:       0 current / 0 desired
Deployment #1:
        Created:        24 hours ago
        Status:         Complete
        Replicas:       0 current / 0 desired

No events.

All updated images have been pushed to the registry from the same docker
client. If the issue was the manifest 2 vs 1 issue wouldn't I have been
unable to deploy the app initially as well?

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Clayton Coleman <ccole...@redhat.com>

> To have openshift import an image's metadata from another registry (which
> finds the digest ID of the image, so that internally you can trigger
> deployments that use the latest digest ID), OpenShift needs to be able to
> get the correct digest ID.  When Docker 1.10+ tries to push an image, it
> first tries to push as a v2schema, and if that fails pushes as a v1schema.
> Because v1schema and v2schema have different digest IDs, when a v2schema is
> pushed the Docker registry tells OpenShift 1.2 that the digest is the
> v1schema value, but in reality only the v2schema value can be pulled.
> OpenShift 1.3 adds support for using the newer registry client so that it
> gets the v2schema value.  We hope to cut an rc very soon, but until then,
> if you want to have openshift import images by digest (what most of the
> tools do by default) you need to push your images using Docker 1.9.  If you
> want to bypass the import by digest, you can use the `--reference` flag
> which only imports the tag name (but includes none of the metadata):
>     oc tag --reference --source=docker SOME_DOCKER_TAG IMAGESTREAM:TAG
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 8:58 AM, Tony Saxon <tony.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok, so I'm a little confused. If my problem is the manifest schema, I had
>> thought that I already fixed that by downgrading my private registry to an
>> older version that didn't support schema 2 (http://lists.openshift.redhat
>> .com/openshift-archives/users/2016-August/msg00081.html).
>> Basically I downgraded my registry to version 2.2.1 just so that I could
>> deploy an application from an imagestream that pulled from my private
>> registry. That works successfully.
>> Does the internal registry that is used by docker support schema 2? If I
>> reconfigure that to be secure and expose it externally and push my images
>> to that will I still run into this problem?
>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 9:26 PM, Philippe Lafoucrière <
>> philippe.lafoucri...@tech-angels.com> wrote:
>>> https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.2/install_config/ins
>>> tall/docker_registry.html
>>> " The manifest v2 schema 2
>>> <https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/spec/manifest-v2-2.md#image-manifest-version-2-schema-2>
>>>  (*schema2*) is not yet supported."
>>> Sorry :)
>>> ​
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