Here is the start of this discussion.
As cross-posting looks forbidden/prevented/canceled, i am afraid that only the dev@ list received both initial messages <>. At least, only the dev@ archives publish them <>. Also, setting a scilab list in CC: while the main receiver is another list looks also useless because it is silently canceled (see the dev@ online archives).


Le 14/09/2018 à 18:20, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
Hello all,

Integer types in Scilab are not smoothly implemented and there are still some bugs and real questions to be discussed, specifically on over/underflow, exceptions in divisions such as in



type of the result of mixed double/integer operations, such as

int8(1) + %pi


and so on. Other software related to Scilab, e.g. Matlab and Julia, have different conventions and currently Scilab currently adopts a mix of them, which does not help to make one's mind.

Integers types were a long-waited feature by people who needed it, so I would like to have some developpers and user testimonies about the way they do algebra with them.

Thanks in adavance,


Le 17/09/2018 à 19:03, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
[No answers]

Hello all,

Do I have to conclude that the implementation is currently so incoherent that *nobody* uses integer types in Scilab (other than Scilab code itself) ?


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