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> People confuse Apache with some entity that sells products 
> and as such think we're somehow obligated to adhere to some 
> 'customer is first' mentality. We make software because we 
> like to and we share almost all of what we do because we're 
> gracious. Yes, gracious. You're not going to find many people 
> like you find at Apache where almost 100% of the fruits of 
> our labours are given away for free. Everything I write is 
> OSS, even my paid job. Bob gives everything he writes away 
> for free. Dion, Ben and others volunteer immense amounts of 
> time toward Maven.

I feel that the response to this ranting of mine is getting a 
bit disproportionate.

I'll try to explain my motivations for sending the original
post. To begin with, there were some assumptions built in, which
I'll try to cite here:

1) The authors have the ambition to make this project widespread,
and to have significant impact on the Java developer community.
2) Maven adds an additional level of abstraction to project 
building (relative to Ant), covering publishing, metrics, reuse 
as well as other aspects of software projects.

This would indicate that it should be a good idea to support
generally accepted project structure so migrating from Ant is
straightforward. I guess I was wrong.

I didn't believe I had the time to go through a ask-20-questions-
to-get-this to work, so I made a best effort in one day, and that
was all I could afford to spend on this for now. Therefore I
sent this e-mail citing my problems and experience, with the intent
to share my experience with those who care (not caring if that
would be anyone). I'm sorry that managed to insult you guys, 
that was not my intent.

> By submitting a patch or asking an intelligent question is 
> likely to get you orders of magnitude more help from those 
> working on Maven.

Of course it would. So much to do, sooo little time :(

Take care

- -Gulli

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