I've basically given up on Maven for the time being. My impression
of the state of the project is that it should not be in beta, the
quality is more like that of an alpha-status project.

I too have had to give up on maven for a while, but my attitude is that I can't exactly rant if I haven't paid for or contributed to it yet.

It took me a couple of weeks to get my project building properly with maven, and once it did, I was very very pleased. Nice work! This lasted about a month until surprisingly (to me) I seemed to outgrow it, getting OutOfMemory errors while running my junit tests once I had enough of them. When my post for hints went unanswered, I had to revert to ant for my builds because it doesn't seem to leak when I run tests.

I'm hoping that the memory issues will be resolved soon (does anyone know what causes them?), as I'd already sold my company and a customer on maven (making me look good, while it lasted, thank you). Still watching the list, just haven't been using it for a month.

my $0.02,

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