On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 09:28, Gušlaugur Stefįn Egilsson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > The original author does need to learn that open source 
> > coding is not created out of some desire to 'sell' a product 
> > to lots and lots of people, but to satisfy the itch of the 
> > people involved.
> There is some truth here. However, an open-source project's
> success is just as much judged by its audience as any other
> project. 

I think you have succumbed to the Nielsen software ratings. As much as
most things are market driven I am an ardent believer in ignoring market
forces. Just because people want something doesn't mean it's a good
idea, even if it 'sells'. You probably tried to do something you were
used to doing with Ant and a lot of times things just don't map like

People confuse Apache with some entity that sells products and as such
think we're somehow obligated to adhere to some 'customer is first'
mentality. We make software because we like to and we share almost all
of what we do because we're gracious. Yes, gracious. You're not going to
find many people like you find at Apache where almost 100% of the fruits
of our labours are given away for free. Everything I write is OSS, even
my paid job. Bob gives everything he writes away for free. Dion, Ben and
others volunteer immense amounts of time toward Maven.

Your critism is mild in comparison to some other pointless rants but
none of us cater to whiners. We're not the Maven support department, we
know the docs are lacking and you have to dig and I'll never head a PR
department. Those are all facts.

> And a top level apache project would have more 
> ambition than this I thought.

I wouldn't deign to understand what are ambitions are. I don't think you
really have any idea what's in store.

> But your point is taken. I'll just have to find some
> time to get my itch satisfied too ;-)

By submitting a patch or asking an intelligent question is likely to get
you orders of magnitude more help from those working on Maven.

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Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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