Am 08.03.2013 04:48, schrieb Ron Wheeler:
I am not sure what you expect us to say.

Simply stick with the question at hand and don't waste everybody's time with evangelizing and philosophy.

By your own experience, your approach doesn't work; you won't try to do
it the right way;

If there's no way to get it to work (and that's the answer I got from Baptiste), then it's not me who's doing it wrong.

Matthew mentioned install-file, but I already explained why a Maven repo is not an option.

> you call people names who are trying to help you.

You may think you're trying to help, but repeating advice that can't be followed isn't.

You may not have noticed but no one in the forum is jumping in to take
your side.

Self-selected group.
Plus, many people shy controversy.
Plus, nothing new for the regulars.

I'd get the same kind of (non-)reaction in a Fortran group, for the same reasons, so that observation doesn't prove a thing.

And I think that's enough of off-topic discussion for this thread.

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