On 6/28/05, Gisbert Amm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it should rather be
> <preGoal name="build-all">
>    <j:set var="maven.scm.cvs.module">SQLAdmin</j:set>
>    <j:set var="maven.scm.tag">SQLAdmin_1_0</j:set>
>    <attainGoal name="scm:cvs-checkout-project"/>
> </preGoal>
> Note that maven.scm.cvs.module is deprecated. I guess you should use
> maven.scm.url instead. AFAIR correctly, scm:cvs-checkout-project is also
> deprecated and you should rather use scm:checkout.

Ok thanks , that worked.But then why is it that if I specify a
non-existant tag eg
<preGoal name="build-all">
   <j:set var="maven.scm.cvs.module">SQLAdmin</j:set>
    <j:set var="maven.scm.tag">FOO_BAR_TAG</j:set>
    <attainGoal name="scm:cvs-checkout-project"/>

maven , does not complain about it?It just goes ahead and checks out
the project anyway ...

jeff mutonho

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