How did the artifacts get at your remote repository. (Your server). Do
 you use a maven mirror/proxy, like archiva or artifactory or are you
 using a local repository on the server. (Which is populated by running
 mvn commands on the server)

If you use the second, it is not a real remote repository and then you
 notice things like this. (Also not updating of snapshots on your own
 local repository).

Please take a look at archiva or artifactory for your remote
 repository. It is much easier in use then a remote "local repository".


Nick Stolwijk

I am going to use the archiva. But the archiva 1.0 needs jdk 1.5. That means I 
have to set the JAVA_HOME to point to the jdk 1.5. But many of my programms use 
jdk 1.4 and I can't change the JAVA_HOME to point to the jdk 1.4
  Any sujestion?
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Chang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 1/4/2008 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: A question about using Mirrors for Repositories
The mirror is the repository on the remote server machine. What
 metadata files should I use? 
  From this mirror I can download all the jars except those of

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