
I try to use a commandLink with an action inside a treeTable but it is
not working properly  :-(
The following snippet of a treeTable-column is expected to:
- render a link if it 's the tableHead
- render a outputText if it's a row inside the tableBody
- render a outputText with a special style if it's selected

<h:column id="columnBrowsTab1" rendered="#{foo.secondBoolean}">             
   rendered="#{foo.obid == 'obid'}">XXXXXXXXXX</h:commandLink>                  
<h:outputText value="#{foo.secondColumn}" 
   rendered="#{foo.obid != 'obid' and !(foo.obid == listener.obid)}"/>
<h:outputText  value="#{foo.secondColumn}"
   rendered="#{(foo.obid == listener.obid)}" 
   styleClass="treeNodeSelected" />

The result so far looks good, but the ACTION method of the link gets
only fired if the tableBody is empty. 

Any ideas to solve this problem???

 -  my backingBean has session scope
 -  I'm using the nightly build from 2005/09/12.

Warm regards,


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