On 12/02/2014 10:37, l.pe...@senat.fr wrote:
On 12/02/2014 10:22, Gerhard Petracek wrote:
hi ludovic,

@ProjectStageActivated is called @Exclude in deltaspike and you can just
drop @Advanced.

ok, thank you.

I still had the same situation with deltaspike (0.5 + your os890-cdi-ext-jsf2-module-api and os890-cdi-ext-jsf2-module-impl or 0.6-SNAPSHOT).

So, I digged the clientwindow topic... I read in https://weblogs.java.net/blog/edburns/archive/2013/10/07/jsf-22-clientwindow-links-and-open-new-tab


« Because the Faces Flows feature entirely depends on|ClientWindow|, the usage of Faces Flows will automatically enable|ClientWindow|if it is not enabled already»

However, it is not in my case.

So I explicitly enabled this with adding


in web.xml.

It there some other required config that I should check ?
ok, so with:
* deltaspike 0.6-SNAPSHOT
* org.os890.cdi.ext.scope.modules:os890-cdi-ext-jsf2-module-{api,impl} :1.0.5_0.5_01}
* javax.faces.CLIENT_WINDOW_MODE = url

... it is starting to work.

In fact, I could trigger flow transitions only using a h:link for now.

So neither
* <p:menuitem value="Let's test" outcome="flow1" />  in a PF p:menubar
* <p:commandButton value="Let's test 2" action="flow1" />
* <h:commandButton value="Let's test 3" action="flow1" />
* <h:commandButton value="Let's test 4" action="/flow1" />
* <h:commandButton value="Let's test 5" action="/flow1/flow1" />
* a direct transition to /flow1/flow1.xhtml (by typing the URL in the brower url bar)


* <h:link outcome="flow1">Test 6</h:link>
* <h:link outcome="/flow1/flow1.xhtml">Test 7</h:link>

do "work".

By working, I mean that the FlowHandler.FLOW_ID_REQUEST_PARAM_NAME (jffi) is defined, a transition is detected and FlowHandlerImpl processes it.

I found only one place defining it in myfaces 2.2 impl source, myfaces-impl-2.2.0/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/util/OutcomeTargetUtils.java:145 , in
OutcomeTargetUtils.getOutcomeTargetHref .

Either I missed something big, either it does not fit my requirements.

When I read «Java EE 7 tutorial - 16.3 Using Faces Flows» http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/tutorial/doc/jsf-configure003.htm

syntaxes such as

<h:commandButton value="Exit Flow" action="returnFromCheckoutFlow"/>

seemed supported.

Moreover, I state that it "works" because I see a flow transition taking place. But I could not figure how to make it finally work (without "").

When I try to use an empty flow1-flow.xml, or to use a flow1-flow.xml such as

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation='http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-facesconfig_2_2.xsd'
    version='2.2' >
    <flow-definition id="flow1">
        <display-name>Test display name</display-name>
        <description>Test description</description>
        <flow-return id="success">
        <flow-return id="error">

(dummy test returns...)

there is a problem at the outcome computation step.

When I use a configuration class such as

public class Flow1 implements Serializable {

    public Flow defineFlow(@FlowBuilderParameter FlowBuilder flowBuilder) {
            String flowId = "flow1";
        flowBuilder.id("", flowId);
                "/" + flowId + "/" + flowId + ".xhtml").
        return flowBuilder.getFlow();

there is a first transition from <no flow> (being on /accueil.xhtml) to "flow1" (going to /flow1/flow1.xhtml). flow1 is correctly stacked at this step.

But then, another transition from /flow1/flow1.xhtml to /flow1/flow1.xhtml is immediatly triggered by an automatically generated (I think) navigation case. During this transition, flow1 is popped from stack and a null pointer exception occurs.

Any help welcomed... I would be glad to have a look at simple test cases using MyFaces 2.2.

But I might switch back to good old @ViewAccessScoped for the time being - spent some days on this Faces Flows stuff already.

Thanks for the help and work anyway. It is quite normal to me to have this kind of troubleshooting on new stuff...

Best regards,



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