hi ludovic,

@ProjectStageActivated is called @Exclude in deltaspike and you can just
drop @Advanced.



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2014-02-12 9:29 GMT+01:00 l.pe...@senat.fr <l.pe...@senat.fr>:

> On 12/02/2014 00:42, Thomas Andraschko wrote:
>> Can't you just switch to DS?
> I gave a look to «migrate codi 1.x to deltaspike 0.5» by someone who seems
> to know a bit on this topic, posts on this mailing list and is also known a
> Gerhard Petracek :-)
> http://os890.blogspot.fr/2013/10/migrate-codi-1x-to-deltaspike-05.html
> And so I try to apply the dependenc changes from
> https://raw.github.com/os890/tomee_mf_stack_001/master/pom.xml
> to
> https://raw.github.com/os890/tomee_mf_stack_001/codi2ds/pom.xml
> I was however stopped at build time by the lack of
> - @ProjectStageActivated
> - @Advanced
> I can easily live without @ProjectStageActivated (used to activate a phase
> listener in debug, something which help me a lot when I started to pla with
> JSF but that I do not need anymore) and I am now trying to figure how not
> to use @Advanced.
> I am using this annotation to make converters and validators eligible
> injection targets. I think I can also retrieve beans by EL-expressions,
> with simple code such as
> public class MyHelperClass {
>     public static <T> T findBean(String name) {
>         if ((name == null) || name.isEmpty()) {
>             return null;
>                 }
>         return evaluateExpression("#{" + name + "}");
>     }
>     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>     public static <T> T evaluateExpression(String expr) {
>         if ((expr == null) || expr.isEmpty()) {
>             return null;
>                 }
>         FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
>         return (T) fc.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(fc,
>                 expr, Object.class);
>     }
> }
> MyHelperClass.findBean("toto");
> I will try that and keep you posted.
> Thanks,
> Ludovic
> |
> |

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