On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 8:05 AM, Miroslav Nachev <mnachev.nscenter...@gmail.com <mailto:mnachev.nscenter...@gmail.com>> wrote:

   Yes, it's a real pity, that so many years in Java world there is a
   gap for Desktop programming. The Java world has been waiting for
   JavaFX for over 20 years. Swing and AWT were a failure for Java and
   Desktop applications in the Java world.

/> ...except for applications at NASA, NATO, Boeing, Airbus, etc etc etc. I.e., scientific applications behind the scenes in back offices everywhere. Here are some of them:/
/> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NETBEANS/on+top+of+NetBeans//
/> Indeed, though, consumer applications have increasingly moved to mobile phones and to browsers generally. But for scientific applications, there's a lot for the Java desktop to be proud > of. :-)/
/> Gj

/My company creates data transport and process automation software for large WAN systems, often comprised of thousands of nodes. You can't "go mobile" with such an application - it requires a server. Java, Netbeans and Swing have enabled us to build these systems and sell them to some of the Fortune 1000 as well as small businesses. We're very grateful for what Java, Netbeans and Swing have done for us, and by saying so, we're also thanking Netbeans developers. Thank you!


Jerry Nicholson
Mlink.com LLC

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