The TODO Syntax highlighter is a must for me. It should be in baked in IMO.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 5:29 PM Jonathan Bergh <>

> 1. What are the best Netbeans plugins to use you think? And do you know
> some funny ones??
> SpringBoot, Darcula
> 2. Are there any upcoming cool features?
> C/C++
> 3. What could be improved?
> Gradle integration used to be slightly irritating (Netbeans used to always
> open a project preferentially as a maven project if a pom.xml was also
> present, even if the previous session opened it as a gradle project)
> but gradle support is now integrated and this shouldnt be a problem
> anymore.
> 4. Why should the whole world use this IDE?
> Open source, multi-language support, from HTML / JS to Java / Groovy to
> C/C++, even Python. You never have to switch to another IDE between
> projects.
> Awesome for J2EE support
> 5. First IDE that you ever used? And why?
> Eclipse, as this is what the institute i was at recommended.
> On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 1:31 PM Ko Turk <> wrote:
>> Hi Netbeans Users,
>> currently I am researching the strengths and weaknesses of different
>> IDEs. I think Netbeans is awesome in the integration with Maven. But I am
>> also curious what you think about this great IDE!
>> I hope you can help me in answering the following questions:
>> 1. What are the best Netbeans plugins to use you think? And do you know
>> some funny ones??
>> 2. Are there any upcoming cool features?
>> 3. What could be improved?
>> 4. Why should the whole world use this IDE?
>> 5. First IDE that you ever used? And why?
>> Hope you can help me. Thanks!
>> Regards,
>> Ko Turk

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