1. Due to my inexperience, I am not using any plugin's for Java
development.  I welcome any recommendations.  (BTW, I just found the regex
plugin.  I don't know how to use it yet, but it would have been handy
several times during my development).
2. Our company was stuck on Java v. 1.6 until recently and as far as I
know, I am the sole Netbeans user at the company.  Java development is a
side responsibility and I have not had time nor "partner assistance" to
discover and appreciate new features.
3. Improvements needed:

   - Memory usage/footprint on NB 11 seems higher than 8.2. But I have not
   used it enough to fully evaluate.
   - Also, on 8.2 the search results "hover help" covers ups the search
   entries at the bottom of the list making mouse selection of the respective
   search entry impossible.  This seems to be fixed in NB11 (awesome!).
   - My large project will not load in NB 11 as "swing layout library is
   missing" and I have not figured out how easily fix the nearly 40 classes
   that are victims of this issue.
   - Better handling of mixed DPI environments both in the editor and in
   the Java apps.
   - X-platform, open source font packs to improve swing component
   consistency (maybe I just don' know how best manage what is already

4.  I inherited a Java project with over 100,000 lines of code in nearly 60
classes and I knew nothing about Java.  This project would have been
impossible to manage without an IDE.
Editing features I love about NB:

   - global and local searches in addition to selection highlighting
   - Alt-F7 (find usages)
   - ctrl-B (go to declaration),
   - And my absolute favorite: Ctrl-q cycles though the last edit

I see condescending comments online about real programmers do not use a
swing editor, but for a part time coder as I am, the swing editor is
awesome (sometime frustrating, but beats the hell of learning and
implementing every little form nuances of manual form control!).

5. NB was my 1st IDE.  I have also used Pycharm (impressive but overkill
for most of the python work I do) and KDevelop.  NB is my favorite, hands

( )\( ) Darin | 208-991-4421

On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 5:31 AM Ko Turk <ko.t...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Netbeans Users,
> currently I am researching the strengths and weaknesses of different IDEs.
> I think Netbeans is awesome in the integration with Maven. But I am also
> curious what you think about this great IDE!
> I hope you can help me in answering the following questions:
> 1. What are the best Netbeans plugins to use you think? And do you know
> some funny ones??
> 2. Are there any upcoming cool features?
> 3. What could be improved?
> 4. Why should the whole world use this IDE?
> 5. First IDE that you ever used? And why?
> Hope you can help me. Thanks!
> Regards,
> Ko Turk

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