Geertjan and All --

Not a problem!  To whom and where should the check be sent?

  -- Chris

----- Original Message -----
From: Geertjan Wielenga <>
To: Chris Olsen <>
Cc: Emilian Bold <>, John Mc <>, 
Netbeans Mailing List <>, Paul Szudzik 
<>, Robert Erdt <>, Thomas Wolf 
Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:22:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment

Sure! If you’re not willing/able to participate in NetCAT yourself:

...would you be interested in sponsoring others to do so, at say $50 per
person per NetCAT test spec?


On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 20:01, Chris Olsen <> wrote:

> Thomas and All --
>    Mine is much the same story.  Would there be some way to contribute $$$
> (or, in my case, $$) to the team meaningfully?
>   -- Chris
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Thomas Wolf <>
> To: John Mc <>
> Cc: Robert Erdt <>,, Geertjan
> Wielenga <>, Emilian Bold <>,
> Paul Szudzik <>, Netbeans Mailing List <
> Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 14:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment
> My $.02,
> I’ve been benefitting from NB since I moved over from Visual Cafe in 1999
> (to give you an idea of what a Java dinosaur I am).  And my only
> contributions in 2+ decades have been bug reports (most of which now lie
> forgotten somewhere in the bowels of the old Bugzilla system) and 1-2
> NetCAT participations.   I have always been willing to pay for this
> excellent tool but never had the desire (or time) to improve it myself.
>  In the early days, I once downloaded it with the faint hope of correcting
> a minor bug - but didn’t even succeed in building it.   For me at least,
> the time it takes to get high enough on the learning curve to contribute
> meaningfully is more than I have been willing to invest (maybe that’ll
> change after I retire in a few years).
> But like I said, I’ve always been more than happy to pay for the tool.  I
> wonder if it’s too late for NB to introduce such an alternative/additional
> model?   Just a thought.
> Best regards,
> Tom
> > On Mar 13, 2020, at 9:51 AM, John Mc <> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > But instead of looking at this financial payment, why not consider an
> time/effort payment?
> >
> > At present, I cant really talk, I've been busy, and have provided
> anything back to NetBeans in a while but then I don't have any issues that
> are negatively effecting me.  If and when I do I will hopefully try to
> address them, like I have tried to in the past.
> >
> > The way I see it, if we could find out what exactly is blocking people
> from moving to 11.3/12, and then if they can spend even a small amount of
> time/effort into looking at these we can get to an even better NetBeans
> product.
> >
> > John
> >
> >> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 13:34, Robert Erdt <> wrote:
> >> Agreed, NetBeans is worth paying for....
> >>
> >> I am with Bill, I have not upgraded and I am at 9 similar to 8.
> >>
> >> Rob
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: []
> >> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 9:30 AM
> >> To: Geertjan Wielenga <>
> >> Cc: Emilian Bold <>; Paul Szudzik <
>>; Netbeans Mailing List <
> >
> >> Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment
> >>
> >> All:
> >>
> >> Been reading all the emails on the NB migration. I do JAVA on NB 8.0.2
> platform and have not upgraded due to the issues being address. I do okay
> with the NB 8. If this is so critical for getting program done for clients,
> then one should be willing to pay for the platform. See it as a business
> expense and write it off at tax time. Normally, tools are included in the
> cost of a job -so I'm miffed as to the expectations placing the onus on NB
> development to resolve things at no cost. NB is a great platform and this
> is merely a transitional period for it, so I stay with my current platform
> and wait until the dust settles --or pay for the upgrade with support if my
> situation changes. While NB has many issues, it will eventually resolve the
> main ones or become a dust covered relic with passing memories.
> >>
> >>
> >> Bill
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Indeed, I think the approach Emilian suggests is the way to go. And,
> >> > indeed, if you don't want to or have the time to move to Maven of
> >> > Gradle, then a lot of modern options start closing off to you.
> >> >
> >> > But, on a different level, for a lot of users of NetBeans, the
> >> > chickens have come home to roost: a free and open source project,
> such
> >> > as NetBeans, should never simply have been 'used', it should always
> >> > have been invested in. For example, simply filing a bug and hoping
> >> > someone will turn up to fix it has never been the way open source is
> >> > meant to work.
> >> >
> >> > Nothing is ever free -- either you spend time (in understanding how
> >> > NetBeans works, for example) or money (in paying JetBrains, for
> >> > example, and then you have engineers creating IntelliJ IDEA for you).
> >> > Not spending anything at all and hoping things will work out for you
> >> > has never been a sustainable approach.
> >> >
> >> > Gjj
> >> >
> >> > On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 4:24 PM Emilian Bold <>
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Go and pick Azul Zulu' JDK FX package which comes bundles with
> JavaFX:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> it&package=jdk-fx
> >> >>
> >> >> I used it for an older Platform app where I don't feel like
> >> >> configuring the FX mumbo jumbo.
> >> >>
> >> >> I doubt anybody can make a magic transition tools since there's too
> >> >> much people can customize...
> >> >>
> >> >> Given the resources available, things are as they are. They could
> >> >> always be better.
> >> >>
> >> >> --emi
> >> >>
> >> >> On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 5:16 PM Paul Szudzik <
> >
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     I have been a NetBeans user since inception.  I am retired now,
> >> >> but
> >> >> when I worked, I was one of the few people in my company that was an
> >> >> advocate of NetBeans, and used it instead of the company line,
> >> >> Eclipse product.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     Retired now for 10+ years, I used NetBeans to develop my
> >> >> > products,
> >> >> and really getting involved in JavaFX big time. I love the cross
> >> >> platform capability, and use it on both Ubuntu and Windows.
> >> >> Raspberry Pi, no problem.  Windows, no problem.  I loved it. Then
> >> >> boom, Oracle takes JavaFX out of the mix, and NetBeans and I start
> >> >> having major problems. It gets harder and harder to use NetBeans
> with
> >> >> it’s incompatibility with JavaFX without going through hoops every
> >> >> single time we upgrade.  I have a ton of projects that are a major
> >> >> pain to go back to without having to dance on a high wire to get to
> >> >> work.  And I am still not sure I can do this anymore.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     I have been a computer programmer, designer and architect for
> >> >> > well
> >> >> over 53+ years.  I have see many systems come and go, many IDE rise
> >> >> and fall, many languages surface and crash.  The move to Maven is
> >> >> beyond my scope now.  I want to program, not to have to regenerate
> >> >> and rehash my build system every release.  I have tried to move over
> >> >> to 11, and mostly failed.  I have too many modules and programs in
> play to hack this out.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     It would have been great if NetBeans had a seamless transition
> >> >> > ,
> >> >> built in conversions for old projects to current format.  Seriously,
> >> >> I would love to be on that train.  But nope, it seems too much
> >> >> handholding and dancing.  I currently have a half dozen active
> >> >> Beta’s  that are stuck in a NetBeans 8.1.x / Java 8 scenario, that
> >> >> I want to port into NetBeans
> >> >> 11.3 / Java 13+ area, but really don’t believe that it is 1: Easy,
> 2:
> >> >> Lasting, 3: Enduring more than another release.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     I still have reported bugs > 5 years old that are not resolved.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     I see streams of notes that are asking questions about
> >> >> compatibility.  ( The latest straw is the Ant image ... )  I see how
> >> >> once the major players in NetBeans get on a wagon, the trail off is
> >> >> almost impossible.  If you’re new to NetBeans, perhaps this is a
> >> >> good trend.
> >> >> If
> >> >> you have dealt with NetBeans as long as I have.. it becomes more
> than
> >> >> just an annoyance.  It almost easier to find another IDE to settle
> in
> >> >> on, as the amount of work to transfer 100+ projects, probably more,
> >> >> from old NetBeans to new NetBeans is formidable.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     Maybe a 3rd party can produce a product that 100% transfer old
> >> >> projects to Maven..  I’d rather develop and code than mess around
> >> >> with trying to make things move up the NetBeans chain anymore..
> >> >> Coding is fun, transitioning is not. I am 100% committed to JavaFX,
> I
> >> >> like the layouts, I like what Gluon has done, I like the look and
> >> >> feel.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     NetBeans 8 –> NetBeans 11+ –> convert ...
> >> >> >
> >> >> >     I would normally apologize for my rant, but nope. I feel that
> I
> >> >> > am
> >> >> now progressing backwards...
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >>
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> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Bill Melendez, Founder & CEO, MBA
> >> HEMS Technology
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 817-932-0047
> >>
> >>
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