No one is suggesting removing support for Ant altogether.

The suggestion is to remove the possibility of creating new Ant projects.


On Tue, 20 Apr 2021 at 21:32, Thomas Wolf <> wrote:

> +1 for not removing ant support for me as well.  I’m admittedly an
> old-timer.  My first exposure to a ‘modern’ build tool was on my last job -
> the company used gradle.  With a background in make and ant, I found its
> syntax hard to grok.    NB devs clearly like Maven - its syntax seems
> straight-forward enough, but the tool seems relatively slow and if you have
> an existing ant-based project whose directory structure doesn’t match
> maven’s desired one, moving to maven may not be as straight forward as some
> suggest.  And, how is the uptake of Ivy?  Isn’t that (in combination with
> ant) considered a modern build tool?  If NB removes support for ant
> altogether, it would not be able to handle ivy-based projects, no?
> tom
> On Apr 20, 2021 at 3:10:04 PM, Marco Rossi <> wrote:
>> +1 also for me to not eliminating Ant support for new (or existing)
>> projects.
>> Mark Reds
>> Il giorno 20 apr 2021, alle ore 20:08, Mitch Claborn <
>>> ha scritto:
>> +1 for not eliminating Ant support for new (or existing) projects. We've
>> been using Ant for a long time, and it still works just fine for us, so
>> there is no payback in converting to Maven.
>> Mitch
>> On 4/20/21 12:10 PM, Lisa Ruby wrote:
>> > For those of you who have used Maven for a long time it may seem simple
>> and straightforward, but for those of us who haven't it's not. I've
>> struggled to try and understand it and figure out how to use it for my
>> software project and gave up. And it's a huge amount of overhead, extra
>> disk space usage, and more bits and pieces to keep track of that isn't
>> justifiable for small simple projects. ANT works just fine for me, and I
>> will keep using it for as long as I possibly can. I need to focus my time
>> on getting my software out, not on the tools I have to use to do it.
>> > Lisa
>> > On 4/20/2021 10:00 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
>> >> I agree, the Ant-based project creation should be removed and I
>> disagree that there should be any kind of conversion between Ant and Maven
>> -- that simply will never work and we'll spend the rest of our days fixing
>> bugs in that. To convert from Ant to Maven: create a new Maven project and
>> copy the Java source files from your Ant project into it.
>> >>
>> >> Gj
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 6:58 PM < <mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>    Honestly, I think NB should have an internal conversation about
>> >>    removing the "new project" support for Ant projects, while still
>> >>    being able to open existing ones. It just confuses a lot of people
>> >>    if they're not going to be supported.
>> >>
>> >>    I agree, if and ONLY if you provide at least a rudimentary way to
>> >>    convert ANT projects to Maven projects.   I have been struggling
>> >>    with this issue too long.  I have hundreds of Ant based projects
>> >>    that I would love to turn over immediately to Maven... but I can't
>> >>    , am struggling, and haven't coded a darn line in two months...  I
>> >>    used to code 10 hours a day ... and now... embarrassed by my
>> >>    inability to convert.,.
>> >>
>> >>    I exaggerate a bit, I still code in "Old" Netbeans 8.2, but I know
>> >>    the days are numbered...
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>    On 2021-04-20 08:23, Will Hartung wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>>    On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:55 AM Wayne Gemmell | Connect
>> >>>    < <>>
>> >>>    wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>        Is the perception that nobody does Maven EAR's anymore or
>> >>>        that nobody uses EARs? I have a web app that has given me no
>> >>>        shortage of issuse with ant.
>> >>>        I'm trying to move it to Maven. If nobody is using maven then
>> >>>        I need to move to something else. If nobody is using EAR's
>> >>>        anymore then I'm pretty stuck figuring out this Maven issue.
>> >>>
>> >>>    Well, it's several things.
>> >>>    EARs are less popular because their necessity has been greatly
>> >>>    reduced. Session beans can be placed in WARs now, so for many use
>> >>>    cases, a WAR is completely adequate to the task.
>> >>>    However, it's not suitable for all use cases.
>> >>>    Notably, MDBs can not be deployed in WARs. But only as an EJB
>> >>>    either deployed standalone, or bundled within an EAR.
>> >>>    With the hue and cry over micro services and "down with the
>> >>>    monolith", just the idea of a large application bundled in a EAR
>> >>>    is falling out of favor.
>> >>>    Also, there's a history of advocacy underlying this. Sun used
>> >>>    NetBeans as a mechanism to advocate for Java and Java EE. It
>> >>>    behooved them to have something like NetBeans to make Java EE
>> >>>    development easier. So, it was important for NetBeans to have
>> >>>    really first class Java EE support. Bundling the Java EE wizards
>> >>>    and templates along with Glassfish all helped promote that.
>> >>>    Of course, now, with the great Java Diaspora out of Oracle, the
>> >>>    goals and drivers are different.
>> >>>    For your project, if all you have is a web app and some session
>> >>>    beans, then a simple WAR file is good to go. The Ant projects
>> >>>    seem to essentially be deprecated now, so I would not rely on
>> >>>    those for anything. If practical, especially if your project is
>> >>>    young, I would migrate it to Maven. The Maven WAR is a pretty
>> >>>    simple project and seems to work ok. Maven isn't going away any
>> >>>    time soon, Gradle, it's primary competitor, doesn't really have
>> >>>    the traction to overcome it yet, and it's been going for some
>> >>>    time. If nothing else, the pom.xml file has become a de facto
>> >>>    portable project format if, for nothing else, to capture
>> >>>    dependencies.
>> >>>    Honestly, I think NB should have an internal conversation about
>> >>>    removing the "new project" support for Ant projects, while still
>> >>>    being able to open existing ones. It just confuses a lot of
>> >>>    people if they're not going to be supported.
>> >>>    And I still haven't heard any concrete position the project has
>> >>>    on internalizing Maven archetypes used for project wizards, or
>> >>>    the process of adopting that.
>> >>>    Legacy archetypes that used to work in NB 8 are now failing
>> >>>    because they've vanished from Maven central. So, an external
>> >>>    dependency broke an internal feature.
>> >>>    Feel free to follow up with specific questions about getting your
>> >>>    project to work and/or converted to Maven.
>> >>>    Regards,
>> >>>    Will Hartung
>> >>
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