On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 11:43 PM Thomas Kellerer <sham...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Another +1 for NOT removing Ant support.

Nobody is talking about removing Ant support completely.

As far as the "New Project" dialog is concerned:
> What about creating a new category "Other" (or maybe even "Legacy") that
> in turn contains the "Java with Ant" category to make the "Ant option" less
> prominent.

My singular issue with this is that it simply implies that they're going to
leave stuff that "doesn't work", that they/we know "doesn't work", and have
no intentions to fix it. Having broken stuff shipped with the IDE doesn't
provide value, IMHO.

If there were actual maintainers for these, it would be less of an issue. I
can't speak for anyone else, I imagine maintaining these aren't arduous,
but they do involve ramp up time on the IDE and such. They're likely not a
quick fix. For someone familiar with the NB side of it, yea, they are all
likely pretty minor. But getting to that level is likely not quick, and
those that may have that expertise are focusing on the more difficult parts
of the IDE.


Will Hartung

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