On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 at 17:15, Geertjan Wielenga
<geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com.invalid> wrote:

> I don’t think we’re going to resolve this, several people in this
> discussion don’t understand the key point with which this thread started:
> should we consider downplaying the prominence of Ant by removing from
> NetBeans the ability to create new Ant projects (while keeping all other
> Ant functionality).

I think you're saying that Ant isn't the best choice of build tool for
modern development methodologies, and I would agree with this sentiment. I
still use Ant for my projects because I created them a long time ago with
Ant, they don't make use of third party stuff, and... admittedly... no one
else works with me, so I've never felt the compulsion to move.

I think Ant is still a good option to do relatively lightweight and
experimental work. I've created more than 100 projects using Ant - most of
which have an active life of about 20 minutes, and many of which don't even
compile. Perhaps I'd put it further down the list of options available from
the create projects menu (I have indeed noticed this has happened in the
12.2 version of NB that I'm using at the moment) but removing it from the
options seems to be an unnecessary snub.

I suppose I've just got to move with the times.

Done... probably.


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