I think Ant is lovely. Most of my projects only extend the Java SE API. I
don't see the need to change to a build tool that manages third party
libraries unless and until I need to use third party libraries.

Keep supporting Ant and keep the build process as trivial as it needs to be.

On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 at 15:56, Will Hartung <willhart...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 9:32 PM Sean Carrick <s...@pekinsoft.com> wrote:
>> Explain to me, Scott, why I **need** to learn Maven and dump Ant. Ant
>> has served me very well all of these years and has never given me one
>> single bit of trouble. Speed? Ant is fast enough for me and my projects.
>> Keeping libraries "up-to-date"? That is just another way of saying "stay on
>> the bleeding edge." Why should I learn Maven and dump Ant? Explain it with
>> facts and reasoning, and without resorting to expressions such as "sticking
>> your head in the sand."
> I have a project using JavaFX, JPA, CDI, and Derby. My pom.xml file lists
> 13 direct dependencies. The actual number of jars that get imported is
> closer to 50.
> There's a really cool project out there used to write REST based micro web
> services called dropwizard. To use it, you add a single dependency to you
> pom.xml.
> When your project builds, it downloads and imports about 90 other jar
> files.
> Nowhere on their site will you see this list of jar files that it requires
> to run.
> Using the IDE, with two mouse clicks, I can have not just the jars
> downloaded, but all of the available javadoc and source files. Once it's
> all caught up, I have access to all of that within the IDE.
> The key point is, that in the modern Java community, projects are shared
> using Maven artifacts. Many sites start their "quick start" instructions
> with "plop this dependency into your project file". From there, magic
> happens. Gradle relies on Maven repositories. Ivy for Ant relies on them
> also. I think there are other Java build tools that do also.
> Finally, NB, Eclipse, IDEA, and even Emacs all have first class support
> for Maven projects and pom files. With those pom files, all of the
> autocomplete works MUCH better, and painlessly. This works very well in
> offices with mixed development environments. Eclipse can not open a NB Ant
> project. NB can't open an IDEA project. All of them work with Maven
> projects.
> Maintaining the NB libraries is not a really big deal for small numbers of
> jar files. Even with a large number that's incrementally built up over
> time. But adding new projects with new dependencies that all have to be
> tracked down, I find, is a pain in the neck. I'm glad I didn't have to hunt
> down 90 dependencies to try a "hello world" dropwizard service. Now imagine
> updating the library lists across different IDE projects with different
> tools. As if teams don't have enough problems with communication and
> project drag.
> Maven absolutely has issues. It has innate complexity. It's slower than
> Ant for the basic Happy Path of building a project. It's reliance on
> internet connectivity sometimes has to be worked around. And any large team
> is better to jump through some hoops to set up a local repository as a
> cache and for local projects, which can be an infrastructure burden. But,
> that's it's big selling point. Maven scales much better than Ant does. And
> if you add Ivy to Ant, well, you have to deal with all of the Maven
> dependency burdens anyway.
> Let me give you one of my many experiences with Maven. I downloaded some
>> sample code today to see how someone was using a particular library. It
>> turned out that sample code was in a NB Maven project. I opened that
>> project at around 20:00, I just closed NB about 20 minutes ago. The whole
>> time, Maven was doing something, supposedly in the background, but it had
>> my CPUs up at 68% use and my memory at 82%. I have a Quadcore providing 8
>> threads and 8 GiB of RAM. There is absolutely no reason that Maven should
>> have been pegging my system out like that for the simple little project
>> that I had opened. Ant certainly never does that to my system.
> This is quite likely the very large repository index that NB uses being
> downloaded from Maven Central. This is absolutely a potential pain point. I
> don't have a good solution to work around it. My machine stays on (sleeps)
> 24x7, and I leave NB open all the time. NB will update that index once a
> week if you let it, and it's not an incremental update, it's a complete
> reload. You can disable it after the first time, and trigger the update
> manually. As I said before, I've relaunched at lunch time or before I leave
> work in the afternoon to let this happen on its own time, and not blocking
> me. It also bloats your NB directories. If you have your NB 12.0, 12.1,
> 12.2, 12.3 versions, they all have their own copy of the index. That's
> several GB of data, likely useless in the old version directories. NB
> eventually detects and helps you clean those up, but something to be aware
> of if disk space is an issue.
>> To me, it seems that more people are drawn to Maven because it tries to
>> take care of library management for you. However, any developer worth their
>> salt believes on managing that kind of thing by themselves. I have been
>> programming since 1983 and remember the days when a compiler was an actual
>> person who gathered shared libraries from various locations and manually
>> linked them to your application, so that your application would work
>> properly. I do not shun all advances in technology, but when something is
>> as stable and useful as Ant, I just don't get why some people just want it
>> gone. I use automation systems whenever they make sense for me. A lot of
>> things, I would rather take care of myself so that I can be sure the stuff
>> is the way I planned it and want it. Old school, I know, but I am who I
>> am...
> We worked with NB ant builds and libraries for many years, but it was
> better for the team when we switched to Maven. The value it brought far
> outweighed the costs of adoption and continued use. For my personal
> projects, I still use it. Even if every now and then, I shake my fist at
> it, like anything else today.
> Regards,
> Will Hartung

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